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Mrs Suzanne McCulloch 
Welcome to Grebes Class Page

Homework Spring 1 2024


The expectation is that children will complete a minimum of 3 pieces of homework to bring into school by the end of each half term.  Worksheets will be put on the class pages of the website for parents to download or paper copies available upon request.

Science— Circulatory worksheets or make a model of the parts of the system, using provided templates.

English— Comprehension and punctuation sheets, available on the class page.

Maths— Fractions.   Children will be given sheets to take home based on the level they are working towards at school.

Geography— Cut and paste pros and cons of renewable energy.

Art — Change to the homework - bird art competition.  See details in the resource below..

PSHE— Create a poster about when to call 999 or how to treat a burn or scald.


Homework Autumn 2 2023


The expectation is that children will complete a minimum of 3 pieces of homework to bring into school by the end of each half term.  


Science— Design & make a balloon buggy. The aim is to get your buggy to go the furthest in the  playground. Think about the effect of forces!


English— Research Anne Frank and why she is famous.  You can present your research as a poster or a power point.


Maths— Practice a written multiplication method.  Children will be given sheets to take home based on the level they are working towards at school.


History—Complete a fact file/poster/PowerPoint on the jobs people did at home during World War 2 eg someone in the Land Army, a farmer, radio communicator etc.


Art/DT—Make a shock-proof Anderson shelter. Research what an Anderson shelter is & then make your own but it must be shock/rock-proof! We will test them by dropping a small rock from one metre high. You can make your shelter from any material.


PSHE— What good habits do you have for your health and well-being?  You could make a poster/presentation about healthy habits, or begin a healthy habit that you share with the class, like going for a walk or swim or reducing your intake of sugar. 

Or it could be that you start reading a book with your parent before bedtime, or talking about your day.  Maybe do a puzzle or play a board game with your family— but only if that is good for your well-being!  You can bring in a photo or just tell us what you have done.


Welcome to Grebes Class Autumn 2023!  Grebes have settled back to school nicely and have been  getting to know new routines in class and school.  They have already created fantastic self-portraits in the style of Picasso this week and constructing and carrying out experiments to test which materials are electrical conductors, magnets and/or transparent.  We have an exciting term ahead but if you have any queries or concerns, please feel free to chat to me after school or send me an email.

Mrs McCulloch

Homework Autumn 1


English—to investigate the Gods the Maya worshipped and create a fact file, poster or leaflet.  No power points please.

Maths— Place value problem solving mystery or mastery problems.

History— research and create a model of a Maya temple.  You could do this from any material, even lego or on minecraft!

DT — Can you either follow a recipe to make something using chocolate, or design and make something with chocolate.  You can either bring it in to school or send a photograph of your creation.

Art—design and make a Mayan mask. A power point, template and instructions are on the website.

Science— Design an item of clothing or hat, using different materials, noting down the properties of each material and how they serve a purpose for the clothing.  If you are felling adventurous, you could even make it!

PSHE— Can you do a good deed for a member of your family?  It might be doing granny’s washing up, or hearing a younger sibling read; anything that is kind.  You could send in a picture of you together or write down what you have done and share with the class.

RE  - What evidence can you find that Christians believe in Jesus as God incarnate or the Son of God?  Visit a church (it doesn’t have to be Tattingstone Church, in fact, it’s better if it isn’t) and look for clues about how Jesus is important to Christians.   Be a detective and find out if there is enough evidence in the church—where is Jesus in the your chosen church?  It could be pictures in stained glass windows or sculptures, picture books,  crosses or crucifixes, Bibles, Inscriptions or banners, copies of the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus’ name in prayer books, service or song books, Christmas cribs or Easter gardens!!  Be creative in how you report back your findings!


Summer 1 Homework


The expectation is that children will complete a minimum of 3 pieces of homework to bring into school by the end of each half term.  Worksheets are in the section below.


  • Maths – Properties of shapes worksheet.  There is a choice of task: one for year 6 and then a challenge task and easier task for year 5.
  • English – Reading comprehension.  There is a year 6 task and the year 5 task has 3 different levels: 1 star is the easiest and 3 stars is the hardest.  The answers are attached to the file.
  • Science – Choose a mammal to create a fact file about.  You should describe each life stage and include illustrations.
  • Geography – Population in the Northern Hemisphere.  Choose a task from the sheet to complete.
  • Design and Technology – design and make a cup cake.  Look at the recipe on our class page and decide how you are going to adapt it.  You can add flavours or other ingredients (no nuts please) or change the number of ingredients to make a different number of cakes.  Either take a photograph or bring into class.

PSHE – Make a poster or presentation that celebrates diversity, and encourages others to accept everyone, whatever their race or beliefs or difference is.


Homework SPRING 2 2023:

The expectation is that children will complete a minimum of 3 pieces of homework to bring into school by the end of each half term.  Worksheets will be put on the class pages of the website for parents to download or paper copies available upon request.


  • Maths – Statistics worksheets on class page of the school website.  Year 6 to do their allocated homework.  Year 5 can choose to do the yr 6 for extra challenge, their own allocated homework or the easier challenge.
  • Writing challenge – Research how and why litter is a global concern for our oceans.  Then write a persuasive argument about why it is so important for people not to leave litter on the beach.  Remember to include an introduction, conclusion, adverbials (also, furthermore, additionally, therefore, consequently) and also rhetorical questions. 
  • Geography –.  Visit a beach and do a litter pick.  Record what you collected in a list – this data will be used in a lesson at school.  You can also take a photograph or video you can share with the class.
  • Art – Look at pictures of the Great Barrier Reef and the fish that live there.  Create your own picture of it, either using paint, oil pastels, pencils or collage.  (Pictures available on our class page on the school website).
  • Science – Investigate what wattage is required to power electrical items in your home.  Then create a bar graph to show the results.  (Worksheet on our class page on the school website).
  • PSHE – Imagine a new playground has opened in your local park.  The playground needs a list of rules, rights and responsibilities for everyone who wants to play there.  Create a poster to display these rules, rights and responsibilities.
  • Computing – Make your own stop – motion animation by following the guidance on this link .  If you can’t download an app, then you could create your stop – motion animation by drawing it on a small note pad.  All instructions are found on the link.
  • Printed worksheets are available on request.


Apologies, I had forgotten to upload this onto our class page.  The children can still bring in homework after half term.  The expectation is that children will complete a minimum of 3 pieces of homework.  Paper copies of any sheets are available upon request.


  • Maths – Log onto TT Rockstars at least three times a week.  Attendance will be monitored.  Logins are written in reading diaries.
  • Writing challenge – Research and write a fact file about Emmeline Pankhurst and Emily Davis, OR write a report about why it is important that men and women have the right to vote.
  • History – Create your own poster, project book or leaflet about any aspect of Victorian life you are interested in, for example: houses, education, children’s jobs, the Suffragette Movement, workhouses. 
  • Art – design and colour your own repeating pattern, using flower/leaf shapes and animals.
  • Science – Shadow investigation - worksheet.
  • PSHE – Safety at home worksheets.

Computing – research the importance of online safety and either create a poster to be displayed around the school, or give an oral presentation to the class.

Autumn 2 Homework:

The expectation is that children will complete a minimum of 3 pieces of homework to bring into school by the end of each half term.  Worksheets are on the next block but paper copies are available upon request.


  • Maths Challenge –Challenges are linked to the key instant recall facts we are studying this half term.  Year 6 should do all challenges for their year group, year 5 can choose.
  • Grammar writing challenge – Year 5 – to secure their understanding of using apostrophes in the contracted form eg I’ve, would’ve etc.  This may seem simple but most year 5s are not doing this correctly.  If your child is, they can do the year 6 task.  Year 6 – word classes.
  • Geography/Art – using a box, create a diorama of Antarctica, including animals.  Examples below:



  • Science – Inheritance worksheet – find out what characteristics you share with your family.
  • PSHE – Write a letter to solve a friendship problem.
  • Computing – Create a film clip or power point explaining the effect of climate change and what we can do to make a difference.
  • Design and Technology – design an outfit you would wear to the Antarctic.  Make sure you label the materials you would use and any special function of your outfit.

Year 6 Maths Homework - Do both activities (separate pages) but remember there are two print outs on the same page so don't do the same activity twice.

Home Learning Tasks Autumn 1 2022

The moo-off!

Still image for this video

Homework - Summer 2

As always, please encourage your child to read at home and practice their times tables (particularly essential for Year 5).   The expectation for homework is to complete a minimum of three pieces.


English— Look at the front page of a newspaper. Choose a headline that appeals to you and make up your own story to go under the headline. Ignore the story that is there and write your own! It must be at least one column long, and it can be as wacky, as fantastic or as bizarre as you like!


Maths -  Complete the times tables grid & time yourself. Then complete it again and see if you can beat your previous time. (grid available our the class page - choose which one is best for you as some of the grids are in order & some mixed)


Computing — Have a go at creating your own art gallery using Sketchup (free web-based program—google Sketchup). Ask an adult to help as you will need to sign up with an email address in order to save work. If you are not able to then try sketching out a plan as we will be creating one in class.


Geography—Research all of the similarities and differences between modern-day Greece and England and create a poster to show them.


PSHE— Research Blood Donor Day 2022—What is it? Why do people give blood? Create a PowerPoint or similar to show your findings.


DT/French– Design and make your own French shop—this could be a 3D shop, using a cardboard box and junk modelling, a computer generated design or a drawing. Make sure you label all of the food items in French!


Homework Summer 1

Welcome to the Summer Term!  Time has flown by this year, seemingly more quickly than before.  SATs are on everyone’s mind at the moment, with them beginning on May 9th.  We will be offering breakfast to Year 6 during that week, starting at 8:10 am.  We will have toast, cereal and juice, with a time for a run around before registration.  In previous years we have found this is a relaxing and fun way to begin the day and it calms nerves for anyone that has them.  We will make time in the day for relaxation and mindfulness, and some fun activities also.  We have reminded the children that the SATs aren’t something to worry about, that the results are not life changing and all they need to do is their best.  Some children asked for extra homework, but this is optional.


As always, please encourage your child to read at home and practice their times tables (particularly essential for Year 5).   The expectation for homework is to complete a minimum of three pieces.

English /RE /ICT —  research and write a fact file about a Greek God.  It can be done as a poster or leaflet and should include an illustration.

Maths -  calculating missing angles (work sheets will be on the class page of the website).

Science—  The moon changes shape every night.  Keep a moon diary and draw how the moon looks each night for 30 nights.  You will then be able to see and compare the phases of the moon (diary sheet on the class page of the website).

Art — create your own model of a Greek temple.

History — look for examples of Greek-style architecture around Ipswich/Suffolk.  You could photograph them, create a video or even sketch them.

PSHE— Make a poster which defines what a good friend is.

DT—follow a recipe for Greek salad and make it for your family.  Photograph your finished dish!


Homework Spring 2


Welcome back everybody!  Homework is below, the expectation is that children should complete three pieces of homework, although if your child is absent from school or wish to do more, extra is most welcome!


English - Complete the sentences with the correct punctuation - see below. 

Maths - Working on time - There are 3 different activities below so select the appropriate challenge for you. They are in this level of difficulty (3 being highest challenge).

1. Converting time between clocks

2. Time word problems

3. Time reasoning problems.

Geog/History - Research - What was life like for Ancient Mayans? Think of a way that you could present answers to this question such as an information booklet, you could become a presenter & video your facts, computer presentation, create a newspaper article.

Art - Printing - Can you create your own piece of artwork using printing? Think of things you could use from around your home such as bubble wrap, vegetables, carving potatoes etc. What are you going to create? Will it be abstract or could it be something like a landscape? Can you connect it to our work on Mayans?

Science - Complete page 2 of the 'Material properties' sheet below.

R.E - Research 3 of the following Buddhist artefacts: singing bowl, lotus flower, Mala, Ghanta, Buddha. What are they? What do they do? Why are they important to Buddhists? 

Spring 1 2022 Homework


Welcome back everybody!  Homework is below, the expectation is that children should complete three pieces of homework, although if your child is absent from school or wish to do more, extra is most welcome!


English - SPAG mystery - resource bank below.

Maths - finding a fraction of a number - choose one of the sheets from the  resource bank below.

Reminder:  to find a fraction of an amount, you must divide the total amount by the denominator eg, 1/5 of 20,  is the same as 20 divided by 5, so the answer is 4.

If 1/5 of 20 = 4, then 2/5 of 20 = 8 and so on.

Geography - choose a South American country to research.  Find out about the following:  climate, population, language/s spoken, landscape, famous landmarks/areas of interest, what food/drink is produced in that area and anything else you are interested in.  This can be presented as a travel poster or leaflet advertising the country, a power point or a scrap book.

Art - can you create a picture or model of a volcano?  This could be done as a painting, drawing, lego model or even on minecraft.

Science - forces - resource bank below.

Philosophy - resource bank below.

Music - Listen to "Don't Cry For Me Argentina." Can you find out what the song is about?

R.E - use the link below to help find the answers to the quiz about Hinduism. Quiz is in the resource bank below.

PSHE - what are you aspirations for the new year?  You could either use the sheet in the resource bank or create your own "dream jar" and put in little messages of aspirations for what you are aiming for this year.

Grebes' Homework Autumn 2


The expectation is that children will complete a minimum of 3 pieces of homework to bring into school by the end of each half term.  


  • Research what a Christingle is, how to make one & what each part represents. This could be paper nots or a PowerPoint & will be merged to create a class presentation to teach to the rest of the school. Deadline: 26th November
  • Design & make a balloon buggy. The aim is to get your buggy to go the furthest in the playground. Think about the forces!
  • Complete the apostrophe worksheets - you must complete a possessive apostrophe sheet and plural nouns for possession as a minimum.
  • Complete a fact file/poster/PowerPoint on the jobs people did at home during World War 2 eg. someone in the Land Army, a farmer, radio communicator etc.
  • Make a shock-proof Anderson shelter. Research what an Anderson shelter is & then make your own but it must be shock/rock-proof! We will test them by dropping a small rock from one metre high. You can make your shelter from any material.
  • Research and report on a role in World War 2 for example someone in the Land Army, a farmer, radio communicator etc.
  • Complete a co-ordinate worksheet for Maths.  


Grebes' Homework Autumn 1 2021


The expectation is that children will complete a minimum of 3 pieces of homework to bring into school by the end of each half term.  Paper copies of any sheets are available upon request.


  • Maths Challenge –Place value challenges be available at different levels of ability for you to choose from – question sheets on the block below.
  • Create a 3D model of animals found in the rainforest - you can either create your own or there are some templates below.  You don't have to do all of them.
  • Writing challenge – Create a poem about the rainforest, including what you would see, hear, feel, taste and touch.  Please use joined up handwriting.
  • Science – Research – What is different about the life cycle of a duck-billed platypus to other mammals?
  • Make a rainforest in a jar – this will also recreate the climate conditions- suggestions are below.
  • Make a rainforest in a box - suggestions are below.
  • Computing – have a go at programming your own game on - remember to log in & save it!

Grebes May Assembly


Please find below the link for the Grebe's Assembly which was held before the half term.  Copy and paste the link into your web browser.


All remote learning is now set via Google Classroom. If you do have any issues accessing this then please speak to Mrs McCulloch, Mrs Hazelton or Mrs Smith in our school office.



Year 6 Maths 


A bit of revision of division today. Use the bus stop method to divide a 4 digit number by 1 digit.


Remember to write out your times table if you don't know it by heart as this will help you.

Give the decimal remainder to 2dp (2 decimal places).

I will remind you of how to use the method at the end of our zoom call so don't panic if you have forgotten! You can also look at the video clip to remind you how to do a decimal remainder.

If you find 4 digits too hard, do the year 5 sheet which is only 3 digits.

Check your answers after you have completed three calculations before carrying on, then you can correct any mistakes. Next week we are doing long division so this will be a good recap before moving on :-)

Year 5 Maths



A bit of revision of division today. Use the bus stop method to divide a 3 digit number by 1 digit. Remember to write out your times table if you don't know it by heart as this will help you.


If you remember how to give decimal remainder, then do it to 2dp (2 decimal places). If you didn't do that with me before then just write your remainder as r_


I will remind you of how to use the method at the end of our zoom call so don't panic if you have forgotten! You can also look at the video clip to remind you how to do a decimal remainder.


Check your answers after you have completed three calculations before carrying on, then you can correct any mistakes. The answer sheet only gives the answer as a remainder, not a decimal. Use a calculator or a phone to check decimal remainders.


If you want more of a challenge, then do the year 6 sheet as this goes up to 4 digits and is a decimal remainder.

Maths Meeting


Do the Maths meeting as we would in class. Remember to check your answers on the second slide. Year 6, you must show your remainder as decimal. Year 5, you can show your remainder as r_.

English - Write a story


First, I would like you to look at the picture below, really look at it. Then I would like you to think about possible answers to these questions:

Who is the person? Are they the ‘keeper of the keys’? Give evidence to support your opinions.


Have they always been the keeper of the keys? How did they become this?

Do you need to have certain qualities or qualifications to be the keeper? Is it a good thing?

How does this person feel about being keeper of the keys?

Why is this person wearing one key around their neck?

Why are there keys hanging from this branch? Why is the branch connecting two trees? How? Why are the keys glowing? What do the white lines on the branches and the ground represent? Where is this place? Is it special? Do the keys have to be kept here? Why?

Does anyone else come here? How does the ‘keeper of the keys’ get these keys?

Why do the keys need to be ‘kept’? What could one of the keys open?


Ideally, discuss these questions with someone else because the answers will help give you ideas for your story. Then I would like you to choose a key and tell it's story.


Think about including the following:

  • Start off with describing the scene (picture) with powerful adjectives, similes and metaphors. Use parenthesis (brackets or hyphens) to include extra information or an aside.
  • Describe the keeper of the keys, what is he thinking? How does he feel about using the next key to open....a door? A box? Use inverted commas to write his thoughts.
  • Then write about what happens when the "thing" is opened. Try and build suspense with short sentences and a rhetorical questions.
  • Then create a dilemma or problem.
  • Then write what happens next, reaching a conclusion to the story. You could leave it on a cliff hanger.....and use ellipsis.
  • Please use at least 3 words from the Yr 5/6 spellings list. Include fronted adverbials, paragraphs, full stops, commas and capital letters. I'm looking forward to reading them!

Keeper of the keys



You would have had P.E today, so make sure that if you can, you go out for a walk.

Or, create an alphabet of exercises eg

A - 5 star jumps

B - Jog on the spot for 2 minutes


and then do the exercises that would spell out your name.



Can you write a list,(using bullet points) or create a poster of what you have learnt about the Tudors. You can illustrate it too. I'm hoping that when we go back we can print this off and stick it in your books as the final piece of that topic.

Well Being


You may be feeling a bit worried or annoyed about going into lock down again. You might have worries about doing on line work or what to do if you find it too hard or too easy. Any worries you may have are normal. Please don't think you are the only one who is feeling unsure, confused or worried; even adults are.


Please talk to your parents about it and you can also talk to me or Mrs Hazleton. You can send me a private message attached to this assignment and then I will do my best to help you. It will also help me think about what I might need to change or add in to help you.


I cannot promise that I will keep anything you say a secret, as I may need to talk to your parents, but making sure that we are all looking after your mental health is very important :-)

Letter to the class, please read before our meeting tomorrow, if you can :-)

Homework Spring Term:1


Homework for this half term can be found on Google Classroom.  The usual requirement is for you to complete 3 pieces, but you can do any amount now we are in lockdown again, while we set up lessons for you.  If you are having any difficulty logging onto Google  Classroom, please contact us at school so that we can help you.

Science - To be able to recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents.


Have a look at the differences between you and your family. You might have the same nose as your mum, or dad's eyes, or look more like an aunty. You need to understand that we can look like or unlike our family so you can choose record that in different ways: - make a photo family tree.


For each person, you could make any notes next to them about key characteristics: e.g. eye colour, hair colour, height and any other particular characteristics that have been inherited. Begin by sticking a photo of you and your siblings at the bottom of the sheet, along with the key information about them. You can then stick on photos of your parents and uncles/aunts above them, and then grandparents above them. - draw/write a family tree, marking on similarities or differences as explained above.


OR - You could draw a family tree for an animal. Chose an animal that you can draw easily, like a bee for example. Draw a pair of parent bees at the top of your sheet. These bees will need to look similar, but will also be slightly different. You can then draw a couple of their offspring (children) underneath them. These offspring can inherit a combination (bit of both) of the characteristics from the parent bees. Then, next to each of these offspring draw a mate; again very similar but also different. Finally, both of these two new pairs can also have a couple of offspring which can be drawn beneath

Maths Revision - multiples, factors and prime numbers


Remember: A multiple is a number in a times table, for example:

a multiple of 3 could be 3,6,9,12,15 ... any number in the 3 x table.


A common multiple of two numbers must appear in both times tables, so a common multiple of 2 and 6 could be 6, 12, 18, 24, etc

You can always check by using division, so 18 can be divided by 2, 9 times and divided by 6 3 times.


A factor is a number that can be equally divided into another number. So factors of 12 are 1, 12, 2, 6,3 and 4 because 12 can be equally divided by all of these numbers.


A prime number is a number that can only be divided by itself or the number 1, for example, 3 or 7. S

So, Year 5, try the common multiple game - you will need 2 dice.

Year 6 and those in Year 5 who would like a challenge, chose the PLANIT y6 activity. There are three levels, * is the easiest, *** the hardest. The answers are also in there for you to check your understanding.

English - what can you find out about life in the Antarctic or Artic Circle?


Use the links below and then create your own report about either the Artic or Antarctic Circle. Remember to give each paragraph a sub-heading, you could include information about the climate, animals, people who live there...whatever you are interested in.


Your report could be in the form of a written piece, power point or leaflet. I don't mind as long as you have used capital letters and full stops correctly and written in whole sentences, not just copied and pasted information. You can also include illustrations too.


Bonus praise for any of you who can use the following adverbials: furthermore, in addition, however, also, moreover, in contrast, undoubtedly, possibly, frequently or obviously. And don't forget, they must be followed by a comma!!!!



Look at the power point about the North and South Hemispheres. Then chose a country from the North hemisphere to write a fact file about, including the name of the country, the name of the capital city, flag, population, average rainfall and language/s spoken.


Do the same for a country in the Southern Hemisphere and also a country on the Equator. You can either use one of the sheets below, or create your own design of fact file.

Art - Create a painting or collage of The Northern Lights


We will be learning all about the different hemispheres of the earth this half-term and The Northern Lights are a natural phenomena that occur in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere (the top half of the world).  They look incredible, as you can see from the pictures and video links below.


You could create your own version of the Northern Lights with different materials to create a collage. Using Quality Street wrappers would be very effective! If your house is anything like mine and all those have been scoffed already, you could paint Northern Lights, making sure that you blend the colours together to create different shades. Or you could use pencils/crayons.

PSHE - Aspirations



Think about who you think is aspirational? That means who you admire or think has achieved great success. It could be a particular footballer, a singer, or even someone you know that you admire for achieving something or for persevering.


What are your aspirations? What do you aspire to be? You may not know yet, or you may feel determined that you are going to build houses or write for a newspaper for example.


I would like you to either make a poster about someone you think is aspirational or make a poster about your aspirations. It must include an explanation, don't just draw yourself as the new member of Little Mix for example, explain why you admire someone or why you aspire to be something.


On the subject matter, how aspirational is Jesy Nelson?? She bravely talked about her mental health publicly to help others and has now taken the decision to leave Little Mix to look after herself. That must have been a hard decision for her to make.


The expectation is that children will complete a minimum of 3 pieces of homework to bring into school by the end of each half term.  Worksheets are on the class pages of the website and Google Classroom for parents to download or paper copies will be available upon request.


  • Maths – rote learning of long multiplication methods.  The children should practice to improve their accuracy.  Please ask them to mark each calculation before moving onto the next.  If possible, check your child knows what they doing at the beginning of the task.  Choose the level appropriate for your child, they don’t have to do every sheet.
  • Reading Comprehension – choose from the sheets.
  • Grammar – practice using the apostrophe correctly on the worksheets.
  • English/History – Find out about either Sir Francis Drake or Sir Walter Rayleigh.  Make a fact file about where they went, what that country was like and what they discovered.
  • Find out about life at sea for a Tudor sailor and write a letter home describing your journey – what you saw, ate, felt, what jobs you had to do.
  • Make a poster about The Golden Hinde.  Draw it and label the parts of the ship.
  • Art - Create a multi-leaved autumnal tree by collecting a variety of leaves from outside.  Use the leaves as prints by painting them and then printing them on paper.
  • Science - Choose an animal and research how it has adapted to live in its environment eg a polar bear has a very thick coat to survive in a freezing climate.  You can present this as a power point, poster or leaflet.

Our Learning For Autumn:2  2020:


We will be focusing on written methods for multiplication and division, then moving onto fractions.  The methods we use can be found on our web page, under calculation policy.  These methods are particularly tricky for those children who are not secure with their times tables, as they have extra working out to do.   Mrs Hazleton will be covering multiples, factors, negative numbers and measurement.



The children have enjoyed reading Treason, by Berlie Doherty, so we will continue to use that as a stimulus for reading and writing.  We will be writing persuasive arguments, balanced arguments and scripts.  Punctuation and grammar will be taught on Thursday and Friday and spellings will continue to be set on a Thursday and tested the following week.


This term our topic is Evolution and Inheritance, looking at how we have evolved out of time and how animals have adapted to their environments.


On-going learning for the term:

  • Regular reading (with an adult and independently)
  • Daily Maths Meeting Activities to improve arithmetic and reasoning skills.
  • The use of reasoning in maths lessons and the ability to explain your thinking clearly
  • Questioning and challenging thoughts and opinions of others, both in Philosophy and throughout the curriculum.
  • Times Tables through TT Rock Stars
  • Organisation of independent work
  • Developing and following personal lines of enquiry
  • Reinforcement of community and Christian values along with good citizenship in a school context.
  • Friendships.


The expectation is that children will complete a minimum of 3 pieces of homework to bring into school by the end of each half term.  They can be given to me at any time during this half term and the children will be able to share their work with the class.  The worksheets are for parents to download or paper copies are available upon request.  The suggestions that I put in the document box do not have to be followed, they are just ideas you can use or adapt.  If you have any questions about the homework, please feel free to ask.  Mrs McCulloch :-)


  • Maths Challenge – Measure out ingredients from a Tudor recipe, follow the instructions and bake!  Recipes will be put on our class page.  Place value challenges and line graph activities will also be available at different levels of ability for you to choose from. 
  • Writing challenge – Research and write a report about Tudor houses that you can present to the class.  You could do this as a power point, poster, leaflet or as a talk.
  • Write your own story set in Tudor times.
  • Science - create your own model of a heart.  You could do this using modelling clay, lego or any way you wish.  Find out how the heart works and present your model to the class.
  • Make a model of a Tudor house.
  • Create a map of your local area.  Include a key to show how land is used in different ways.

Grebes Class Parent Newsletter

                                                        Autumn Term:1 2020

                                                                                    Our Topics this Term:

                                                                                    The Tudors

                                                                              All Living Things



Welcome to the Autumn Term!  Grebes have settled back to school very well and have been busy with assessments and creating Tudor style self-portraits this week.  Please feel free to chat to me about any concerns or queries you may have.  Mrs McCulloch

Our Learning This Half Term:


We will be focusing on place value - looking at the value of each digit in a number. This involves being able to partition numbers into millions, ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens and ones, looking at decimal numbers and their value, ordering, rounding and multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1000.  Mrs Derrett will be teaching statistics.



Our English lessons this term will begin with studying Treason, by Berlie Doherty.  It is a historical novel set in Tudor times, which links with our History topic.  We will be writing in character, writing diaries and also reports about Tudor life.  Spellings will be set following our assessment and given out by Mrs Derrett every Thursday and tested the following week.


This term our topic is Animals Including Humans, which will include looking at changes in humans from birth to old age, learning about the circulatory system and the functions of the heart and blood vessels. 


On-going Learning For The Term:

  • Questioning and challenging thoughts and opinions of others, both in Philosophy and throughout the curriculum.
  • Times Tables through TT Rock Stars
  • Daily Maths Meeting Activities to improve arithmetic and reasoning skills.
  • The use of reasoning in maths lessons and the ability to explain your thinking clearly
  • Spelling and grammar
  • Regular reading (with an adult and independently)
  • Organisation of independent work
  • Developing and following personal lines of enquiry
  • Reinforcement of community and Christian values along with good citizenship in a school context.

Key dates and routines to remember:

  • P.E is on a Wednesday and Friday afternoon – please can the children have their PE kits at all times. 
  • Children need their reading books and diaries every day.  Spellings will be stuck into reading diaries every Thursday.  Paper copies will be sent home if no reading diary is in school.

Useful Ways to Share Learning at Home:

  • Read with your child on a regular basis. Encourage them to read independently every day. 
  • Practice your child’s spellings with them each day for their weekly test on Thursday/Friday.
  • Practice chanting times tables with your child and remind them to do times table rock stars.  Fluent recall of times tables will help them access the year 5/6 maths curriculum.  Unfortunately, those children who don’t learn them by heart tend to struggle with the concepts of division, fractions and percentages.
  • Encourage children to watch the news and be aware of world-wide events.
  • Turn off all electronic devices at least one hour before bedtime.


End of term water fight

Weekly Overview 20th July 2020

Weekly Overview 13th July 2020

Art - what would you keep in a jar? One of the science activities is to make a bug hotel. If a jar was a `hotel' for you, what would you put in it?

Worship at Home – our school together-apart!
As a Church school we have been given some guidance and ideas from the diocese about collective worship activities for you to use at home as a family – the focus for this week is 'Courage’ which explores ideas around being courageous, looking at those who show great courage and links to the story of David and Goliath in the bible - please look at:

Weekly Overview of Work - 6th July

Bingley goes for a swim!

Still image for this video

More swimming!

Still image for this video

Bingley meets the guinea pigs!

Still image for this video

Maroon 5 - Memories (Lyrics)

Year 6 song for the leavers' assembly. Please replace word "drinks" with "dreams."

S Club 7: Reach for the Stars - lyrics

Year 5 song for the leavers' assembly

Writing Stimulus - our letter as an example


1st July 2020        My letter of advice


Dear Jackie,
I am so sorry to hear that you are having a difficult time at home during this painful lock down.  I am sorry that Luke is also finding it hard.  We are also finding lock down hard, there are days when I don't know what to do.  Sometimes I feel like I could strangle Amy (not that I actually would) but it can be hard to calm her down.


I find going for a walk cheers us up, even when Amy is really grumpy and does not want to go.

I hope this helps and that you feel better soon,
From Jack

Art - examples of habitats in a box!

Collective Worship

Worship at Home – our school together-apart!
As a Church school we have been given some guidance and ideas from the diocese about collective worship activities for you to use at home as a family – the focus for this week is 'Candles’ which is a message about what significance lighting a candle at home or school means and how this relates to Jesus - please look at:

Week beginning 29.6.20 Weekly Overview

ESSENTIAL - Pupil comments for end of year reports to be written and emailed to me if possible.

For those of you who are running out of books to read, use the following link for free to access to some online reading books.

Reading Comprehension - Year 6

Exercise 1:


Exercise 2:


If you have followed The Oaks and already done these lessons, you can use their lessons set for this week instead.


LO: To be able to describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences


Remember:  We classify things into groups and categories to help us stay organised, keep track of things and be able to compare different things. For example, similar foods are grouped together on supermarket shelves to make it easier for customers to find them. Different brands of jam sit on the same shelf so you can compare one to another and decide which you prefer. Scientists classify living things to help explain their relationships to each other and to be able to learn things about newly discovered organisms by noting their similarities to known organisms.


To remind yourself about different animal groups and how they are classified, do activity 1.  If you are anything like me, you might have forgotten the common features of a mammal, so look it up if you are not sure.


Activity 2

Next I would like you to create your own classification charts of vertebrates and invertebrates.  The power point will remind you of what they are.

Your chart could be in the form of a venn diagram, a flow chart, classification key or a table with 2 columns.  You must label what vertebrates and invertebrates are, write headings and then either can write the names of the animal or draw them.


Art - draw or paint an animal in the style of Steven Brown

Worship at Home – our school together-apart!
As a Church school we have been given some guidance and ideas from the diocese about collective worship activities for you to use at home as a family – the focus for this week is 'Breakfast’ which is a message about children and families missing the familiar routines of school – the activities look at ways we can create a sense of normality at home - please look at:

Harry's guinea pigs!

A Walk in Nature

A film by Aggie Cook.

Weekly overview of work - week beginning 22nd June 2020

Stemtastic Science Competition for Year 6

PE - Socker game


Worship at Home – our school together-apart!


As a Church school we have been given some guidance and ideas from the diocese about collective worship activities for you to use at home as a family – the focus for this week is 'We’re all in the same boat’ an important message about acknowledging that we are all finding difficulties in dealing with the current situation –the activities look at ways we can feel ‘together’ at:

Angry Banana Song

The funny banana song Sam showed us on our zoom meeting!

Weekly Overview of Work - 15th June 2020

Writing planning sheet for each chapter - DADWAVERS

Parts of a flower cut and stick activity

PE - Confident Cricketer

Chance to Shine Cricket at Home - Week 13 Confident Cricketer II

Weekly Overview - Week Beginning 8.6.20

Weekly overview of work set - 1st June 2020

Reading Comprehension - just choose your level of difficulty, 1 * easiest, 3* most challenging

Science - read the magazine and try the space rocks activity. Write up your results and let me know what happened.

Horrible Histories Rotten Romans: Shouty Man: New! Roman Baths. Stupid Deaths: Domitian

Horrible Histories Rotten Romans: Shouty Man: New! Roman Baths. Stupid Deaths: Emperor Domitian. Vile Victorians: A mill owner investigates the horrific plig...


Collective Worship

Worship at Home – our school together-apart!
As a Church school we have been given some guidance and ideas from the diocese about collective worship activities for you to use at home as a family – the focus for this week is 'Give Your Worries To God’ -please look at the 'Give Your Worries To God' activity and powerpoint slides at

Weekly Overview 25.5.20

A quick message from Bingley

Still image for this video
Here he is, telling us what he would like to do when he can visit Aldeburgh after lock down. I'm surprised he never mentioned a swim in the sea as that is his favourite thing to do!

Did any of you write to an older person? Here is Sam's letter to a residential home and the reply he received. Well done Sam :-)

Sam got a Blue Peter badge!!

Daisy enjoying the Science trip

Weekly overvew of work 18th May 2020

The link for our virtual Science trip:


Thank you for booking a VirtualSchoolTrip to see our Stronger by Design show.


This access is valid for one week, and will end at 11:59 pm on Sunday.


We hope you enjoy your trip!



Password: uh324bm


Stay safe

The Team at Cambridge Science Centre

For our Year 6s – From Mrs McCulloch, Mrs Derrett, Mrs Hazleton, Mrs Baker and Miss Andrews


SAT’s week has arrived, though it’s not quite the same,

The tests that were printed this year never came,

The displays are still up; walls full of SPAG rules,

But Year 6 is very different, right now in schools.


For some of you; happiness, lots of relief,

For others, a sigh of pure disbelief,

That you worked so hard in advance of this week,

Expected and greater depth marks you did seek.


Place value, fractions, maths meeting drills,

Inference, retrieval, quiz taking skills,

Past tense, 3rd person, and all the SPAG terms,

Across the subjects of many you’ve learned.


Don’t worry, though the SATs won’t happen this term,

Remember tests don’t measure all you have learned,

Primary subjects are varied; you’ve always tried your best,

And many of those skills you have gained can’t be defined by a test.


So here at Tattingstone, you’ve made us so proud,

We sit here with pride and we shout this out loud….

“Year 6, you amaze us, you’ve come incredibly far…..

And we don’t need a test to see how amazing you are!”

Forrest has won a Blue Peter badge!!!!!! Well done Forrest!

Molly's Video Presentation About Roman Gladiators

Still image for this video
Be prepared for special appearances from animals and celebrity children!

Weekly Overview 11th May 2020

More Fabulous Homework

Weekly Overview 4.5.20

The boys working hard

Weekly Overview 27th April 2020

Week Beginning 20th April 2020

Weekly outline of work


I know some  of you said that you couldn't see all the words on the PDF.  That is because I had to upload it as a PDF instead of a power point.  The file is too big for me to upload so here is the link


If you click on that link you will be able to download it your self.  

Collective Worship - Gratitude


This is work that you should be able to do independently.  If you find the year 6 work too tricky, go to year 5.  If the year 5 work is too tricky, then go to year 4.

Grebes’ Homework - Week Beginning 30.3.20

Hello Grebes!  I hope you are all well and coped with your first week at home.  Unfortunately, Bingley has struggled over the past few days; he wants to go back to work!


As for me, I carved my own wand this week!  We’ve had a Harry Potter theme for our home learning but I’m hoping the HP fans in Grebes can spot which wand I based my design on?


I hope you have all been following Joe Wicks' workout in the mornings.  We have and it is a good boost of energy to start the day with, although I must admit, I have been aching all over.  Make sure you are getting some sort of exercise and I don't mean just exercising your thumbs playing games all day and night!


Maths Work for Year 6 - Calculating Scale Factors


If you go to the White Rose website (follow link below)


You can follow the lessons set for this week.  There is a video you can follow and pause to answer the questions they give you and then there is work for you to do.   You can also check your work by clicking on the answers.  Later in the week there is a lesson about measuring angles.  Now I'm guessing most of you haven't got protractors at home, but you could download a picture of one and trace over it using baking paper if you wanted to.  Or miss that bit out and go onto calculating angles.


Maths Work for Year 5 -  Decimals and percentages


Go onto the White Rose website using the link below:


You can follow the lessons set for this week.  There are videos you can watch each day and pause to answer the questions they give you,  then there is follow up work for you to do.   You can then check your work by clicking on the answers.  


English - SPAG


There is a mystery exercise to do - the answers are at the end of the document.  Remember, if you can't remember what the grammatical term means, look it up on google for an explanation.  

Reading -  make sure you are reading your own books for 30 minutes a day.  You can still take quizzes on Accelerated Reader.  Then have a go at the reading comprehensions.  There are 5 quick ones you can do, just do one a day if possible.

History -  King Harold and The Battle of Hastings


Look at the power point attached and also the links to Newsround and Horrible Histories.  You can also do your own further research.  Then choose one or more of the tasks to complete below.



Create a comic strip about the return of the Vikings, Harold coming to the throne and the Battle of Hastings.

Write a newspaper report about the Battle of Hastings - include eye witness accounts (remember to use inverted commas and new line for new speaker).

Write a diary extract as King Harold, detailing your inner thoughts about the upcoming battle.

Write your own research report about the Battle of Hastings.



Newsround report on the Battle of Hastings


Horrible Histories clip




Draw part of the Bayeux Tapestry, or (if you have materials) you could try sewing part of the tapestry to create your own embroidery piece. 

Science -  To be able to recognise that some mechanisms, including levers, allow a smaller force to have a greater effect.

Exploring levers

Think of the context as a new ride at Thorpe Park. The ‘load’ could be the people inside a pod.


Set up a basic lever: place a hexagonal shaped pencil on the table and lay a ruler across it. Try to add masses on one end and then see how much force they need to push down on the other end to make the ruler horizontal.  See picture below:


Pattern-seeking – How much force is required at when the fulcrum is in different place to lift a mass at the other end?

Label one end of the ruler with ‘L’ (load). Label the other end with a ‘F’ post-it for ‘force’. Place a rubber at the ‘L’ end. Place the fulcrum (pencil) under the middle of the rule. Add masses to the ‘F’ end of the ruler. Think about how much force (push) is required to lift the load to a horizontal position. 

Then then try moving the fulcrum (pencil underneath) to a different to find out what affect this has on the amount of force required to lift the load to a horizontal position.

You could then try this out in the garden by using different materials you may have lying around, like a wooden plank and a brick for the fulcrum.  You could use a teddy as your load and see what mass (number of stones?) it takes to lever the plank to horizontal position, or even to fire it to the end of the garden?  Think about the angle it would follow though, you don't want to lose your teddy in next door's garden!  Move your fulcrum - what affect does this have?

TT Rockstars

Just to remind all of you that you must not go into each other's TT Rockstars accounts.  Respect each other please.

Isolation Wk 1: Grebes’ Tasks

Hello lovely Grebes children and parents!  I hope you are all keeping safe and well at home.  It was lovely to sit outside in the garden this afternoon, in the sunshine.  It gave me a much needed boost of vitamin D.  I was also chuffed to beat Amelie in a game of table tennis too!  Bingley is unfortunately not self-isolating enough.  He was particularly whiffy last night but look at his adorable face; how can I isolate him from the lounge?


Work for you to tackle this week:

  • Try one or more PE sessions with Joe Wicks the body-coach (yes, I used a hyphen).  He is on Youtube every day at 9am.  You will actually need to get out of bed AP!!!  I did it this morning, so if I can do it, you can do it.
  • Maths Year 6 – try the fluency questions first, then reasoning and then problem solving.  Remember to explain your answers in detail and read the question carefully before you round the decimal.

Year 5 Maths – remember that 3 decimal places means 3 digits after  the decimal point so:                                 4.678

                            These are the 3 decimal places.

English – Keep reading!  

Reading comprehension – don’t moan!  I know who you are!!

  •  SPAG – look at the power point and then do the apostrophe sheets.  Remember that for a plural noun that ends in s, the apostrophe goes after the s.

Eg. The witches’ hats were crooked.

         If the plural noun doesn’t end in s, then add  ‘s.

       Eg.  The children’s socks were decidedly whiffy in Grebes Class.

History – Research and then create a power point about crime and punishment in Anglo-Saxon and Viking times (hold onto your fingers and toes). Compare their punishments with the punishments given today in the UK. 

There are lots of clips of Horrible Histories (Vikings) on You Tube; I couldn’t find any specific to punishments, but they are full of facts and funny to watch.

Science – There are a number of activities I will put up, which you can choose depending on what materials you have at home.

Learning Objective: To be able to recognise that some mechanisms, including pulleys and gears, allow a smaller force to have a greater effect.

  1. Exploring pulleys – How do pulleys work?

The context could be pulleys on a crane.

Discuss when they have seen pulleys. Pictures can be found on the following website:

Establish with your child that pulleys allow a smaller force to have a greater effect.



Challenge your child to find out how much mass must be placed in the top cup to make the one at the bottom lift off the ground. They can begin with no pulley by simply placing the string over the wooden pole. They can then try one and then two pulleys.

You can record in a table the amount of mass added to make the tub lift next to the number of pulleys.

  1. Explore – How do gears work?

Context – discuss the gears that can be found on bikes.  Have a look at your own bike.




You could have a go at making these gears from stiff cardboard.  You would need to be accurate when cutting out the teeth.  Then pin through the centre onto a base board.
















1. Put one axle in each of the small gears.

2. Find or make a mark on one tooth on each gear.

3. Use the stickers to label one gear as the driver, ‘D’, and one as the follower, ‘F’. The driver will move the follower.

4. Put these two gears on a base board with the marked teeth touching.

5. Turn the driver one complete time around in a clockwise direction. Watch the follower as you do. Record how many times the follower turns and in what direction.

6. Now put another gear between the driver and the follower as in the second picture above. Turn the driver as in step 5 and record what happens to the follower.

Repeat this procedure with two gears between the driver and follower.


Explore – How can you change the direction of turn and the speed of the gears?

This Lego website above shows how to build a range of gear combinations. You could try to re-create some of these.  There are some downloadable worksheets but they look quite challenging.



So, enjoy your week as much as you can, don't forget to also go on Doodle Maths and Times Tables Rockstars.  Lastly, do as you are told and behave!  From, Mrs McCulloch.


P.S I can't believe I am missing you lot!

Homework Spring 2020

Grebes 2 Year Rolling Curriculum

The expectation is that children will complete a minimum of 3 pieces to bring into school by the end of each half term.  Worksheets will be put on class pages of the website for parents to download or paper copies available upon request.


  • Maths challenge – learn to tell the time with analogue and digital clocks.  If you can already do this, challenge yourself with reading bus and train time tables (sheets provided).
  • Writing challenge – what causes earthquakes?  Write a report including diagrams and headings or you could create a working model to demonstrate how earthquakes occur.
  • Create a model of El Castillo at Chichen Itza.
  • Draw a world map showing the fault lines of earth quakes
  • Create a fact file of a famous musician – dead or alive! – using bullet points and headings.
  • Create your own recipe using chocolate, bake it and then bring in the finished product to show us in school.  Be prepared to tell us what and how you did it.


In addition, please see ‘My Activity Passport’ on our school website with ideas about additional activities you and your family can take part in over the term.

Autumn 1 Photos

Autumn 2018 - Summer 2019



Autumn 2017 - Summer 2018


From April 2018, there will be a whole school newsletter sent out on a monthly basis.  Each class will contribute to this newsletter.  It can be found in "whole school newsletters".

Autumn 2017 - Summer 2018





Photos from our fantastic residential trip

SPELLINGS to be tested WEDNESDAY April 12

Children know their group but may take additional test if they wish.

advent irregular autopilot


invent irrational autonomy passage
prevent irresponsible handiwork postage
press irresistible handsome wrongly
pressure illegal session


depress illeterate mission burglar
phone illegible illegal defy
telephone project illiterate decorate
micrphone provide illegible painful
microlight produce transparent hurdle
inside propose translucent excitement
white proceed transportable famous
want proclaim bicycle mischief
wanted door biceps central
busy good  cyclist assistance
business found tricycle accommodation
  round birds chaos
  around first pose
  government interfere interfere
  environment sincere sincere


Maths- Using Time Tables

English Drama activity- Boy in the Girls' Bathroom

Shared Reading and World Book Day

World War 2 Day

Important Notice

SATS information 

Spellings- Every WEDNESDAY

Homework must be in by Wednesday each week

Children must be reading a minimum of 20 minutes, at least 5 days/week. 

Spring Curriculum

Other information