Autumn 2024
Grebes have made a busy start this term inventing some fantastical sweets for Mr Wonka. They have painted some great, imaginative sweets and lollies for our upcoming Roald Dahl display which will be in the dining hall. We have also begun creating self-portraits in the style of the Tudors, as this is our history topic for this half-term. We have looked at the Tudor style of dress and tried to recreate our own, using a variety of materials. We will have our very own “rogues gallery “very soon! We have a wonderful trip to Kentwell Hall coming up on the 24th September, where we will be Tudors for the day; a letter will be coming home shortly.
Our Learning
English We will be studying the novel Treason, by Berlie Doherty, which is set in Tudor times. The children will be writing narratives, letters and diaries. We will also be learning a different aspect of grammar each week to include in our writing.
Maths Our first topic will be place value, which will involve the children understanding the value of digits in a 7 digit number. We will learn to sequence and order numbers and also learn how negative numbers are used. Mrs Derrett will be teaching written methods for addition and subtraction. We will also be practising times tables daily.
Science Our topic is Living things and their habitats—we will be finding out about the classification system and the characteristics that all living things have/do.
History We will be learning what life was like in Tudor England and how Henry VIII was as a ruler. Art We will be creating self-portraits with paints and other media.
PSHE We will be learning about citizenship and the community.
Computing We are working on programming with different software including looking at the different coding that we need and how to debug when errors occur.
RE We are studying Christianity this half term, covering why we the Gospel is such good news for Christians.