The Local Authority appoints LA governors. They liaise between the office and the school.
THERESA VINNICOMBE - LA & Chair of Governors
Having completed a 26 year career as a registered nurse, Theresa now manages the administration for her family business. She has been involved in supporting the school, on and off, for the last 20 years, initially as a parent helper and now, also as a Governor. Both Theresa's knowledge of the school and achievements throughout her career, will assist the Governing Body and it's stakeholders in moving the school forward to the benefit of it's pupils. In 2021 Theresa successfully graduated with a BA (Hons) in childhood and youth studies.
Inclusion and diversity
Local Authority governor appointed by Suffolk Local Authority
Chair of governors
Term of office 4 years - 28/04/28
Sitting on Vision and Strategy, Finance, Personnel and Premises Committees.
No pecuniary interest
SHEILA TWEEDY - Foundation Governor
Sheila ran a very successful family business in London for thirty years with over 30 staff, supplying computers and software all over the country. During this time she brought up her family in Frinton on Sea, where she lived for 43 years.
Sheila was a Snowy Owl for eight years, organising many pack holidays for the brownies and is also a qualified Quarter Master, most useful!
Sheila worked at St. Philomenas Preparatory School in Frinton on Sea for 10 years teaching 7 to 11 year old children IT skills.
For six years, Sheila has visited elderly people in care homes and hospitals with her PAT (Pets as Therapy) dog Tilly. She now visits Tattingstone Primary School every Monday where she listens to the children read. Sheila also mentors a child at the school.
Sheila is a Tattingstone Parish Councillor and Trustee of the Village Hall and has recently been appointed a member of the Parochial Church Council.
Sheila enjoys baking and making special occasion cakes and says that she is “a very ordinary proud Grannie”.
Sheila says that she hopes her love of young people will “encourage the children of our delightful school to enjoy every moment spent here. I firmly believe our children are the key to the future happiness of us all.”
Foundation Governor
Term of office 4 years - 29th May 2026
No pecuniary interest
Sitting on HTPM & Vision and Strategy committees
RE & Worship Link
JANE CONNELL-SMITH - Foundation Governor
Jane was born in Birmingham and educated at King Edward IV School for Girls before gaining a B.Sc. Hons. in Psychology. She worked in both mental health and industry. After marriage to David and having four children, Jane decided, at the age of 45, to embark on a new career. She trained as a primary school teacher and has taught children across the whole primary range, in schools in North East Essex. Jane has been a school governor for over 20 years.
Jane and David moved to their cottage in the heart of Tattingstone in 2012 and Jane is on the Parochial Church Council and has recently become Parish Clerk.
Jane says that she "hopes to be able to bring a wide range of knowledge and experience to the governing body in this wonderful school in my home village".
Foundation governor appointed by the Diocese of St Edmundsbury
Term of office 4 years - 31/08/2022
Sitting on HTPM (Chair), Pay, Vision and Strategy committees.
No pecuniary interest
Headteacher- appointed automatically as part of position.
No term of office
Family members employed at school
No pecuniary interest
BRIAN STENNETT - Co-opted Governor
Brian is an interaction management specialist with an extensive background as a freelance consultant in Asia. Returning to the UK in 2011, he assumed the role of day-to-day manager for a healthcare provider's 111 service, which, at its peak, catered to over 14.5 million patients.
In 2016, Brian resumed his freelance consulting career, maintaining a focus on the healthcare sector.
Having relocated to Tattingstone in 2020, Brian has transitioned into semi-retirement. Despite this, he remains actively engaged in community service. He currently serves as a parish councillor, and trustee, treasurer for the village hall and playing field committee.
Furthermore, he has played a key role in the organisation of the village fete since 2023.
Brian views the school as a vital part of the local community and is looking to help it continue to thrive going forward.
Safeguarding Governor
Term of office until 3/1/28
Pecuniary interests - playing field committee member, member of Tattingstone Parish council and Curamus consulting.
PETER TOMKINS - Co-Opted Governor
I was brought up in a small village just south of Reading in Berkshire and left to go to university in Cardiff to study English before training at Bath University to be a teacher. I have been involved in schools and teaching now for over thirty years, including six years as headteacher of a secondary school. I live in Harwich with my wife, Jackie, where we care for my mother-in-law. We have three springer spaniels, a cat and six chickens.
In 2018 we set up an Education and Finance Consultancy, TSO Education, which now employs five people and provides support for schools, academies and local authorities working both directly and with the Education and Skills Funding Agency. This takes up most of our time; but when we aren't working or looking after my mother-in-law then we enjoy walking with our dogs.
Tattingstone Primary School is very like the small village primary school I attended in Berkshire and I want to ensure that pupils at the school continue to receive the excellent support and education they deserve.
Finance committee
Personnel & premises (Chair) committee
Vision & Strategy committee
Term of office is 4 years - 27/3/28
Pecuniary Interests - TSO Education (Director) & Learning Link Multi-Academy Trust (Trustee)
The Governing Body at Tattingstone CEVC Primary School
The Governing Body is a corporate body of people drawn from parents, staff, the church, the LA and community to set the strategic direction of the school. The role is a voluntary one, undertaking statutory duties laid down by the government. These include finance, the curriculum, safeguarding, SEND, wellbeing of teachers and support staff. These duties are outlined in more detail in the Governors Handbook located here. Maintained schools governance guide - Guidance - GOV.UK (
It is not the responsibility of the Governing Body to oversee the day to day running of the school, this is the remit of the Head teacher.
Tattingstone has a constitution of 9 members: – the Head teacher, two foundation governors (one of which represents the incumbent), two parent governors, a local authority governor and two co-opted governors (this can be any-one who has a specific skill required by the Governing Body) and a staff representative. As a Governing Body, we also have the option to recruit an associate member.
The committees have been re-formed to best reflect the needs of the school and the work of the Governing Body. In a bid to self-evaluate and ensure best practice the governing body has adjusted their committees to reflect this.
All governors attend training sessions, some are statutory and other relate to relevant committees and subject areas. These sessions are provided by the LA, a register of training is presented to the Full Governing Body each term. Other sessions are offered by the Diocese.
How to become a governor?
We are always keen to hear from people who would like to be involved in governance. If you think this is something you would be interested in Suffolk County Council’s website is a good source of information. Current governors are happy to answer any questions you may have.
Please speak to the school office, we would like to hear from anyone who may have a future interest.
Who are your Governors?
The school’s website gives details of current governors and their role, term of office, pecuniary interests and the type of governor they are. Linked to this is a short blog about each person. A register is also produced to show the attendance for each committee and its member. Governor photographs can be found in the school office.
As a small school, we are lucky that most school events are attended by at least one school governor.