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School Uniform


Tattingstone School Uniform and prices are detailed below.

The uniform is available from the school office.

The uniform with school logo is:


 A Blue Polo Shirt


 A Blue Sweatshirt


 A Blue Fleece




Boys are asked to wear  grey trousers.  

Girls are asked to wear a grey skirt, pinafore or trousers.


During the summer months boys can wear  grey shorts whilst girls can wear blue and white summer dresses. Children are allowed to wear closed toe sandals however these need to be in the school colour's.



The School P.E. Kit


Children have PE twice per week.  Therefore, their PE kits need to remain in school all week and be taken home either at the weekend or at half term.


The kit must contain the following:-

School Blue & Yellow P.E shirt at £13.00 (can be bought at the office)

Black or grey shorts;

Plimsols or trainers.


A School Book Bag is also available from the school and costs £7.50 and a school PE Bag is available at £6.50


Outdoor PE continues throughout the winter unless conditions really do get treacherous and make it unsafe, or if the PE is of a nature that can't be taught outdoors, eg. gymnastics.  Please could you provide your child with a tracksuit/jogging bottoms/tops in school in preparation for outdoor PE which can be kept in their PE bags with their normal t-shirts, shorts, etc.  


If you are in receipt of Pupil Premium then you will be eligible for one free set of uniform when you first apply.


Name Tags for school uniform are able to provide you with a variety of name labels for school uniform including P.E kit.


To raise funds for the school please add our School ID when ordering:  29529

Not school uniform.


No trainers to be worn - Unless it is for medical or an agreed reason.


Natural hair colour only - No dyed hair, if dying hair in the school holidays it must be washed out for the start of term.


No make up - No make up to be worn at school.
