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Selection of recent testimonials - 2024

 “My child really enjoys school and loves learning and sharing all that she has learnt.  She is creative and imaginative and I feel like she is able to express herself and flourish within the school environment.  The tailored learning is incredible and I feel very grateful to have access to that level of education.  Thank you for all you do.”


I feel Tattingstone Primary School has given all three of my girls a fantastic start to school life and consolidated good behaviour, values and helped confidence develop in so many areas and I am so very grateful to all the staff for this.”


“We can honestly say that Tattingstone school has been one of the best decisions we have ever made!  Our circumstances are quite unique but it has led us to be very qualified in judging schools and child-care.  These are our 6th, 7th and 8th children and Tattingstone has been the best school experience by far!  This includes experiences in several countries.

We are genuinely extremely grateful for everything, and cannot thank everyone involved up to this point enough.

An absolutely wonderful school!”


“My son has really enjoyed his first year at school and learning about lots of new things.”


“My child started at Tattingstone School at the end of May, she has been welcomed, she was made a part of the school immediately.  She has settled in so well, the teaching staff have made her feel happy, safe and secure, she is always happy to attend school and comes out smiling.

We know she has not been there long, however we are extremely happy so far. We hope Year 4 brings many more happy days.

The Night Owls (after school club) and admin staff have been amazing too.

The Headteacher has been key to a successful transition for our daughter, she has been a great source of knowledge and understanding to allow her to settle in as ‘part of the furniture’.”


“We are so delighted with our daughter’s development and progression.  She continues to be very happy at school, which is priceless.  We are very grateful for the teacher’s support and guidance.”


“Our daughter’s progression has continued in all areas and we are very proud.  She is very happy at school and loves to learn. She has an excellent teacher, with positive guidance to help our daughter progress further.”


“Our daughter has really enjoyed Year 3 and the opportunities she has had to develop her learning further, especially the catch-up maths club which has seen her confidence grow.

She is already looking forward to another cross country tournament when it comes around again!”

Selection of recent testimonials - 2019

"Tattingstone is a lovely little school and not too many children. Just the right class sizes to ensure the children have enough support"


"The forest school experience is an excellent addition to their learning"


"I have felt very supported his year in dealing with my child’s anxiety issues"


"Yes, best decision I made moving my children to Tattingstone"


"Lots of opportunities to see what the children have been learning is good and most of the time I can make one or two, not all"


"I very much enjoy coming to class to see what is happening, and assemblies are lovely too"


"Great new classrooms"


"Fantastic opportunities outside the classroom with various trips and outings"


"Keep up the good work. Parents really appreciate everything you all do"


"I have no concerns at all and my child will be very sad to leave Puffins. Tattingstone school is a brilliant school for my children"




To the staff and students of Tattingstone CEVCP School

A huge WELL DONE for taking part in


on Saturday 9 March 2019.


We just wanted to say a big thank you from everyone here at Snape Maltings. We really enjoyed having you here to perform in the Snape Maltings Concert Hall, and hope you had a brilliant day!

We’d love to see you all again so do look out for other opportunities here at Snape Maltings.




Testimonial from 'Celebration of Music' at Snape Maltings, March 2019


Dear Mrs Derrett


I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the performance your pupils gave at Saturday’s concert at Snape. It was a real treat to see such young children on the stage, performing with great aplomb and not a sign of nerves. 


It was just a joy to watch them perform with such confidence and enthusiasm as well as to a high quality and with great stage presence and discipline. I loved their demonstration of signing and their ability to keep it up and sing at the same time was particularly impressive.  Congratulations to all concerned.


At a time when music education in schools is in such peril, the commitment of you and your staff to such a venture is so heartening.  It really lifted my spirits.


I am a regular at Snape and a great admirer of the work of Lizzie Woods and her team.  I appreciate that getting emails out of the blue from people you don’t know is a potential issue for a school, so as you can see, I have copied Lizzie into this email – she will vouch for me if you need someone to do that.


Best wishes


'A Snape Regular'



