Events that take place over a typical school year
Family Assemblies where each class gets the opportunity to show to the rest of the school and their families what they have been learning.
Show 'n' Share sessions where parents can come into school to look at their children's books, displays, etc. and talk with their child about what they have been learning.
Jeans for Genes day.
Harvest Festival at St Mary's Church, Tattingstone.
Termly Discos.
Children in need fundraising day.
Christingle service.
Whole school Christmas lunch & parties.
Nativity Service at the Village Hall for the community and St Mary's Church, Tattingstone.
Christmas fair.
Epiphany Service.
Whole school trip to The Wolsey Theatre for the annual pantomime in January.
Easter Service at St. Mary's Church, Wherstead.
Sports day.
End of school year production.
Leavers Service held at St. Mary's Church, Tattingstone.
A whole school trip.
Visits from Authors / Poets etc.
Along with the above we also have an active Friends of Tattingstone team who have hosted events such as:-
* Bangers & Bingo
* Kidspix
* Quizzes, etc.