Autumn Term 1 2024
Dear Parent / Carer,
Welcome back to all our Puffins and their families. I hope you all had a lovely summer break and the children got to relax and enjoy themselves doing whatever makes them happy. The children have settled brilliantly into school after the long summer holiday. Our classroom has completely changed around and is a very engaging KS1 environment to learn in.
Next week the children will be able to start taking part in our Rainbow challenges which are extension / challenge activities for them to complete. The children are very much looking forward to these starting.
Don’t forget you can always catch me at the end of the day if you need to. If you need a message passed onto me in the morning that you haven't written in your child’s reading diary then please either speak to a member of staff on the school gate or Mrs Bartlett in the school office.
Mrs Cocksedge
Our Learning this Half Term
In Maths our learning will be based on Place Value & Addition and Subtraction.
Our learning in English will be centred around the story ‘ The Secret Sky Garden’ by Linda Sarah. Our writing will be descriptive and include information about both the characters and the setting. We will also be learning about what is included in an explanation text. Our next book will be ‘Look Up’ by Nathan Byron and Dapo Adeola. This unit includes narrative, rhyming poem writing and using inference skills.
Foundation Subjects
We are also going to be learning about the following :-
Computing— Algorithms and Debugging
DT—Moving Storybook
R.E— Christianity: Baptism / Church
PSHE—Family & Relationships
Music—Keeping the Pulse
Art—Make a mark
Geography— What is it like here?
Useful Ways to Share Learning at Home
* Read with your child on a regular basis.
* Number and Letter formation
*Work with us on any of the areas within ‘Our learning section’ above that you think your child may need extra support on.
On-going Learning for the Term for Puffins
Read Write Inc or SPAG
Regular Reading
Rainbow challenges
Cross-Curricular Activities
Key Dates and routines to Remember
Wednesday and Friday– P.E
P.E kits do need to be in school at all times.
Show & Tell will continue to take place this year but not on a set day just as an when your child might have something to share. Children can bring in something linked to what we are learning about or maybe something they have achieved outside of school i.e. medal / certificate once a week. No toys or cuddlies would be appreciated.
Summer 2024
I hope you had a lovely relaxing Easter and are ready for the busy Summer Term. Lets hope the weather improves and we can enjoy the Spring time. It has been great to get the children outside and this week we can enjoy Forest school which I know the children are looking forward to. Don’t forget you can always catch me at the end of the day if you need a chat. If you need a message passed onto me in the morning that you haven't written in your child’s reading diary then please either speak to a member of staff on the school gate or Mrs Bartlett in the school office. Reminders
Please remember when you read with your child at home to write a note in your child’s reading diary otherwise we assume they are not reading at home and that they do not need their reading books changed.
Please can children bring a coat each day while the weather is so unpredictable. Throughout each day Ducklings have the opportunity for indoor / outdoor learning and therefore with no coat the children are going to get cold. At times, if Puffins complete their learning then they might get time outside so again coats are needed.
New Spellings will be sent home next week for some children and these will be tested each Monday. Mrs Cocksedge
Our Learning this Half Term for Puffins (Year 1)
Maths - In Maths our learning will be based on Multiplication & Division, Fractions, Position and Direction, Time and Money.
English -Our learning in English will be centred around the film unit ’Zahra’ which we have started already and the children are very engaged. We have been talking about the film unit and making predictions about how Zahra was feeling and have been learning a range of new vocabulary along the way. In a few weeks we will be moving onto a book called Anna Hibiscus.
Foundation Subjects
We are going to be learning the following :-
Science—Plants Computing— Stop Motion
DT—Fruit & Vegetables
R.E— Christianity—Disciple / Faith
PSHE—Economic wellbeing
History—How have explorers changed the world?
Music—Timbre and rhythmic patterns
Read Write Inc
Regular reading (with an adult and independently)
Home Learning projects for Puffins and Ducklings
English - Research Africa and create an information poster about what the country is like or what animals live there.
Maths— Doubling and Sharing and Fraction—Cut a pizza ( or something similar) in half and then quarters and you could even try cutting into eighths. Take some photos as you go along and then print out and label.
DT—Draw some different fruits and vegetables from the outside. Next cut the fruit and vegetables in half and draw the inside. You could even try a new fruit or vegetable at home.
PSHE—Look at a variety of different coins and notes at home. You could then visit a shop and help to count out the coins/ notes for the amount that has been spent. How about drawing around the coins or even trying coin rubbings.
Science - Plants—Draw a picture of a plant and label the different parts (include roots, stem, flowers, seeds and leaves). Go for a walk and start to identify the different types of trees.
History—Go for an adventure in your local area and see if you can find something that wouldn’t normally be there.—Be an explorer for a few hours.
Computing—Create a flip book using very simple pictures.
R.E—Ask an adult to read you the story of Feeding the 5000 or watch it on YouTube. Have a go at making a ‘model’ of it in playdough or using small world figures, pattern blocks, lego, dolls/cuddly toys, etc. If you can’t bring your model into school, ask an adult to take a photograph of it. Try to write a sentence about what happens in their story