Autumn 2024
We have a busy half term ahead of us in Kingfishers Class, which kicks off with our topic on The Tudors. We will be looking at what life was like in Tudor England in our History lessons, painting some Tudor portraits of ourselves and studying the book The Queen’s Token.
Next half term, we will be moving onto a more wintery theme with the book The Ice Palace as well as looking at what life is like living in the Alps.
Below is the summary of what we will be covering this half term in each subject.
Our Learning summary
English Whilst studying The Queen’s Token, we will be focusing on descriptive writing, how characters emotions are portrayed and diary writing.
Maths We start off with looking at place value, including numbers up to 10,000 and move on to addition and subtraction including carrying. We will keep working on times tables too.
Science Living things and their habitats—we will be finding out about the classification system and the characteristics that all living things have/do.
History Tudors including Tudor life, portraits and job roles.
Art Self portraits and paint mixing.
Computing We are working on programming with different software including looking at the different coding that we need and how to debug when errors occur.
RE We are studying Christianity this half term, covering why we the Gospel is such good news for Christians.
Useful Ways to Share Learning at Home
Enjoy books with your child – even 5 minutes a day is fine. Let them see you reading & highlight the purpose of reading i.e for pleasure, to read menus, to buy tickets, to find information out.
Ask your child to ‘do the shopping’ for you. They can write a list, estimate the cost, help you collect the items, pay the total (using cash is great but not always possible) and then work out the change if using cash.
Practice your child’s spellings with them each day for their weekly test on Monday.
Go on a nature walk; focus on the texture of things, the noises they hear, the different habitats.
Allow your child some ‘down time.’ This means evenings or weekend days where they do nothing structured. Academics believe that an element of boredom helps to develop a child’s creativity, resilience and independence.
Turn off all electronic devices at least one hour before bedtime. This includes TV. Encourage your child to read in bed or read/make up bedtime stories with them.
Reminders—key dates and routines to remember
PE kits need to be in EVERY day.
The Year 4 multiplication check will be between Monday 3 June and Friday 14 June.
Monday: Spelling test and new spellings given out
Tuesday: County Music lesson (bring instrument if it has been loaned to you)
Wednesday: PE (PE kit)
Friday: PE (PE kit)
Please can children bring in their reading book and reading diary every day so we can listen to them read and enter them into the reading raffle.
The children are welcome to bring items for show & tell any day – We cannot promise we will get time every day but will try our best. Please do encourage your child to share any recent achievements such as a new swimming group, trying something new, a certificate.