Our learning this Half Term
Our Learning
Our learning will be based on the book ‘Oliver and the Seawigs’. Oliver Crisp's parents are explorers and for 10 years they have travelled the world, taking Oliver with them. Now they have decided that all the great unknowns have been seen and they are ready to return home. To their surprise they discover a dozen mysterious islands in the bay near their house. They pull out the dinghy and immediately set off to explore whilst Oliver begins to unpack. When he goes out to check on them, the islands are gone and so are his parents. That is why a boy who dreams of staying home and going to school winds up on yet another amazing adventure, in search of his missing parents.
The pupils will learn about fractions, money, shape, statistics and position and direction this half term.
The children will study a unit called ‘Scientific Enquiry’ which takes children through six lessons where they learn the scientific skills they will need to apply during each unit of learning during key stage 2.
We are investigating what rivers are and how they are used.
Design and Technology
Pupils will analyse and evaluate a range of existing fastenings, then devise a list of design criteria to design, generate templates and make a fabric book sleeve.
We are learning about safety and the changing body.
Sikhism: How do Sikhs put their beliefs about equality into practice?
Mrs Derrett
Home Learning Projects
Choose at least 2 of the following:
English—find out about a great explorer, in the past or in modern times; or study legends of the sea, such as mermen, mermaids and sea monsters drawing parallels between the story Oliver and the Seawigs and real life events.
Maths—Properties of 2D shapes for Year 4s and Properties of 3D shapes for Year 2s and 3s—sheets will be put on the website or paper copies can be printed off.
History—investigate a local river, even visit it if you can. Where is it’s source? What is the river used for? Which towns or villages does it pass through? Can you find the river on an OS map? Where does it enter the sea?
PE—Practise your athletics skills in preparation for sports day. Practise dribbling a football, skipping, get someone to time you running to see if you can improve your times.
RE— Paint or draw large pictures of Guru Nanak for a gallery.
Art—towards the end of the half term, apply your knowledge of colour mixing and painting techniques to create a still life painting of a collection of objects of your choosing.
On-going Learning for the Term
Times Tables through TT Rock Stars
Weekly spellings
Developing and practicing handwriting to include effective, neat joined handwriting by all pupils
Reinforcement of community and Christian values along with good citizenship in a school context.
Reminders—key dates and routines to remember
PE kits need to be in EVERY day.
Spellings will be tested on a Thursday this half term and new spellings will be given out on a Thursday.
Whole class brass lessons continue every Thursday.
The Year 4 multiplication check will be between Monday 3 June and Friday 14 June.
Kingfishers class assembly is Thursday 13th June.
Thursday – Music with Mr Garrido, please ensure your child has their instrument in school on this day.
Friday – Music with Mrs Clark, RE with Mrs Derrett, Computing with Mrs Cocksedge, French with Mrs Derrett and PE with our PE coach.
Please do encourage your child to share any recent achievements such as a new swimming group, trying something new, a certificate.
Useful ways to share learning at home
Enjoy books with your child – even 5 minutes a day is fine. Let them see you reading & highlight the purpose of reading i.e for pleasure, to read menus, to buy tickets, to find information out.
Encourage your child to look at clocks and learn how to tell the time on both digital and analogue clocks. Ask you child questions like how many minuets until bedtime? How long did you take to brush your teeth?
Practice your child’s spellings with them each day for their weekly test on Thursday.
Go on a nature walk; focus on the texture of things, the noises they hear, the different habitats.
If your child is reluctant to do home-learning then consider a different time/day.
Allow your child some ‘down time.’ This means evenings or weekend days where they do nothing structured. Academics believe that an element of boredom helps to develop a child’s creativity, resilience and independence.
Turn off all electronic devices at least one hour before bedtime. This includes TV. Encourage your child to read in bed or read/make up bedtime stories with them.
Below is also a KIRF sheet per year group. These are given out half-termly & they support something we have introduced across the school to help develop your child’s fluency and mental maths skills. KIRFS (Key Instant Recall Facts) are a way of helping your child to learn by heart, key facts and information which they need to have instant recall of.