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Mrs Jenny Cocksedge

Welcome to Ducklings Class


Summer 1 2024


I hope you had a lovely relaxing Easter and are ready for the busy Summer Term. Lets hope the weather improves and we can enjoy the Spring time. It has been great to get the children outside and this week we can enjoy Forest school which I know the children are looking forward to. Don’t forget you can always catch me at the end of the day if you need a chat. If you need a message passed onto me in the morning that you haven't written in your child’s reading diary then please either speak to a member of staff on the school gate or Mrs Bartlett in the school office.




Please remember when you read with your child at home to write a note in your child’s reading diary otherwise we assume they are not reading at home and that they do not need their reading books changed.


Please can children bring a coat each day while the weather is so unpredictable. Throughout each day Ducklings have the opportunity for indoor / outdoor learning and therefore with no coat the children are going to get cold.


At times, if Puffins complete their learning then they might get time outside so again coats are needed. New Spellings will be sent home next week for some children and these will be tested each Monday. Mrs Cocksedge


Our Learning this Half Term for Ducklings (Reception)


* Listening to others and adding on comments to discussions

* Being able to ask for help

* Having fun! 

*Engaging in new child initiated activities


On-going Learning for the Term


* Read Write Inc—Learning new sounds and applying this knowledge in their reading and writing.

* Reading with an adult

* English—activities linked to Africa and the film unit ‘Zahra’ and book ‘Anna Hibiscus’

* Maths – Numbers to 10 and beyond, estimating, sharing and grouping and making connections.

* Cross –Curricular activities linked with the current storybook. Useful Ways to Share Learning at Home

* Read with your child on a regular basis.

* Ask your child what they have been up to during the day.

*Visit the library.

*Name writing and number formation

* Work with us on any of the areas within ‘Our learning section’ above that you think your child might need extra support on.


Home Learning projects for Puffins and Ducklings


* English - Research Africa and create an information poster about what the country is like or what animals live there.


Maths— Doubling and Sharing and Fraction—Cut a pizza ( or something similar) in half and then quarters and you could even try cutting into eighths. Take some photos as you go along and then print out and label.


DT—Draw some different fruits and vegetables from the outside. Next cut the fruit and vegetables in half and draw the inside. You could even try a new fruit or vegetable at home.


PSHE—Look at a variety of different coins and notes at home. You could then visit a shop and help to count out the coins/ notes for the amount that has been spent. How about drawing around the coins or even trying coin rubbings.


Science - Plants—Draw a picture of a plant and label the different parts (include roots, stem, flowers, seeds and leaves). Go for a walk and start to identify the different types of trees.


History—Go for an adventure in your local area and see if you can find something that wouldn’t normally be there.—Be an explorer for a few hours.


Computing—Create a flip book using very simple pictures.


R.E—Ask an adult to read you the story of Feeding the 5000 or watch it on YouTube. Have a go at making a ‘model’ of it in playdough or using small world figures, pattern blocks, lego, dolls/cuddly toys, etc. If you can’t bring your model into school, ask an adult to take a photograph of it. Try to write a sentence about what happens in their story




 Spring 2024


Happy New Year to you all. I hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year. The children were certainly in need of a break and I hope you were able to enjoy spending time together and making some memories. I would like to say a big thank you for all the lovely gifts we received. They were totally unexpected and very thoughtful of you so thank you. Don’t forget you can always catch me at the end of the day if you need a chat. If you need a message passed onto me in the morning that you haven't written in your child’s reading diary then please either speak to a member of staff on the school gate or Mrs Bartlett in the school office.


Our Learning this Half Term for Ducklings (Reception)

* Following class rules

* Changing independently for P.E—please think about coats being big enough so your child can have a go at doing their zip up independently.

* Listening to others * Building confidence when talking in front of my class

* Taking part in Collective Worship and enjoy hearing new stories and learning new songs i.e. Easter

* Being able to ask for help

* Having fun!


On-going Learning for the Term


Read Write Inc (Phonics programme).

The children will continue to learn new sounds and consolidate previous learning. Some of the children have been moved around in the groups so the learning is tailored at their needs. Groups are always fluid so this is nothing to be concerned about.


Number work such as subitising with numbers to 5 (i.e. recognising the number of counters without counting) ordering numbers up to 10 and Mass and Capacity . Cross –Curricular activities linked with the current storybook. Name writing and Number formation.

Useful Ways to Share Learning at Home

* Read with your child on a regular basis.

* Ask your child what they have been up to during the day.

* Visit the library.

* Work with us on any of the areas within






Autumn 2023


What a great start we have had to our new school year. The children have settled brilliantly despite being tired at times. They all seem very happy when in school and long may this continue.


If you need to have a chat after school about how your child is getting on then please just catch me.


Mrs Cocksedge


Ducklings & Puffins Class Parent Newsletter Autumn 1 2023


Welcome to all of our new Ducklings and their families and our returning children who are now Puffins. I hope you all had a lovely summer break and the children got to relax and enjoy themselves doing whatever makes them happy. The children have settled brilliantly into school and it is nice to see the Year 1’s helping our Ducklings with our day to day routines. Thank you Puffins!


Don’t forget you can always catch me at the end of the day if you need a chat. If you need a message passed onto me in the morning that you haven't written in your child’s reading diary then please either speak to a member of staff on the school gate or Mrs Bartlett in the school office.


Mrs Cocksedge


On-going Learning for the Term


Our Learning this Half Term for Ducklings (Reception)

* Settling into school

* Creating and following school rules

* Making friends in my class and across the school

* Changing independently for P.E

* Being able to use the toilet independently (if can’t already)

* Listening to others

* Sharing a book

* Building confidence when talking in front of my class

* Taking part in Collective Worship and enjoy hearing new stories and learning new songs, eg. Harvest Festival

* Being able to ask for help

* Having fun! On-going Learning for the Term


After the first 4 weeks of settling in, teacher observations and assessment activities we will be starting on the following:- Read Write Inc (Phonics programme). Information will be sent home to give you information about how the programme works, what the children will be learning and how you can support your child at home.


Useful Ways to Share Learning at Home

* Read with your child on a regular basis.

* Ask your child what they have been up to during the day.

* Talk to your child when out and about. It might be spotting numbers on doors, looking for 2D shapes, counting out the number of apples in the bag, looking at signs etc.

* Visit the library.

* Work with us on any of the areas within ‘Our learning section’ above that you think your child might need extra support with.




At present it is not a requirement that Ducklings do produce homework each week however if you would like to take part in something please have a look at the Puffins class page.



Mrs Cocksedge


Spring 1 2023


Our Learning this Half Term


I would like to start by wishing you a Happy New Year and hope you all had a lovely Christmas. I would like to thank you for all the lovely gifts I received. It was very kind and thoughtful.


This term our focus for writing is based on the story ‘Stickman’ by Julia Donaldson. All our learning will be tailored around this book. Learning in a cross curricular way makes learning come alive and enables us to move with the children’s interests. We are then moving on to learning about ‘Chinese New Year’.


With Maths we are learning about odd and even numbers, more than and less than and addition. We will continue to take our learning outside alongside lots of hands on practical work.


With Read Write Inc we will continue with our sounds and look at any gaps that may have developed across the class. We will then be revisiting some of the sounds and therefore the children might not receive homework sheets for a few weeks. We will see how things progress.


On-going Learning for the Term


  • Using sounds to write labels/sentences.
  • Looking at sentence structure i.e. sounds combine to make words, words in order make sentences, full stops, finger spaces.
  • Reading using sounds learnt so far in RWI.
  • RWI homework sheets
  • 2D shape hunt
  • Writing numbers to 10 then 20 correctly.
  • Playing board games and counting on





  • P.E will be on a Monday and a Friday afternoon. As the weather gets colder please can you make sure your child has a P.E jumper such as a navy blue or black hoodie / jumper to go with their P.E kit along with jogging bottoms or leggings.


  • Please can you make sure that your child also brings in their reading books and reading diaries every day. Children might be read or we need to pass on a message to you and this is our communication book between home and school.


  • Please can all children bring in a warm coat every day along with a filled up water bottle



Useful Ways to Share Learning at Home


  • Read with your child on a regular basis.
  • Ask your child what they have been up to during the day.
  • Work with us on any of the areas within ‘Our learning section’ above that you think your child might need extra support on.









Spring 2022


Hope you all have a lovely Easter and the weather stays nice. I hope the children all enjoy their well deserved break whatever they get up to you.


Mrs Cocksedge

Autumn 2021


Welcome to all our new Ducklings who have started this September 2021.

All the children have settled in so well and it has been lovely seeing how they adapt into school life from when they started on day one.


Well done to all those who are reading with their child at home and completing their handwriting sheets. Anything you can do at home is very much appreciated.


Hope you are able to join us for our Harvest Festival service in the Church on Thursday.


Mrs Cocksedge



World Book Day 2021
All remote learning is now set via Google Classroom. If you do have any issues accessing this then please speak to the Mrs Cocksedge, Miss Daines or Mrs Smith in our school office.

Home Learning Jan 2021


Week beginning 11th January 2021 


Well done to all Ducklings children and their families for being able to access Google Classroom last week. It has been a challenge learning the new system however I do feel it is very user friendly once you learn how it works.  All the learning for this week is on Google Classroom so I hope you can locate it ok. If there is any issues please do speak to the school office.


Many thanks,

Mrs Jenny Cocksedge 


Week beginning 5th January 2021


As we are now in Lockdown, all of our class learning will be available via Google Classrooms. If you are unable to log on to there for any reason then please contact the office. 


Here is the Literacy & Maths for this week for anyone struggling to log on:


Literacy - Session 1 - 06/01 - Watch/read 'How to catch a star'

In Literacy, we are exploring the text How to catch a star by Oliver Jeffers. If you have the book at home then enjoy reading it together, even if you have read it before. If you don't have the text then here is a link to a youtube clip of someone reading the book - please watch the clip with your child to ensure no inappropriate adverts are shown. After watching the clip/reading the book, you can discuss how the characters emotions change throughout the book - how do you know? (looking at pictures, how you know you would feel) Did you like the story? If not then how would you change it? If you did enjoy it then what was your favourite part, why?


Literacy - Session 2 - 07/01

Can you design a star catcher using the worksheet below? Use your sounds to write some labels for the star catcher or write some sentences if you can. 


Maths - Session 1 - 06/01 - Ordering numbers

Ask chd to tell you numbers 0-20 slowly. As they tell you them, write each one on a separate piece of paper & ask chd to put them into a box/bag/hat. They are all muddled & we need to reorder them. Work with chd to put them all in the right order, discussing which is next, after, first, between etc.

Chd choose your challenge */**/***:

* work on recognising 0-10 numbers & help order them

** work on recognising 0-20 numbers & order them

*** do as above but with the 'tens' numbers to 100 & order them


Maths - Session 2 - 07/01 - Number Recognition


Missing number game

Ask child to tell you numbers 0-20 slowly. Now get your child to listen to you count but miss out a number along the way i.e. 1,2,3,5. As soon as your child hears the number that is missing get them to put up their hand and tell you the number you missed out.


Number Ordering

Using the number cards you created yesterday place all of the numbers in order and then get an adult to swap 2 of the numbers around. Get child to see how quickly they can spot the mistake and put the numbers in the correct order. Remember children to keep your eyes closed while the numbers are swapped around.


With the numbers in order that you have been working with, now get an adult to ask you some questions about your numbers i.e. what is one more or less or even ten more or less than a certain number depending on what challenge you are working on.


Chd choose your challenge */**/***:

* work on recognising 0-10 numbers & help order them

** work on recognising 0-20 numbers & order them

*** do as above but with the 'tens' numbers to 100 & order them


Each Friday we will have activities to make get the children to be active. You can choose the indoor or outdoor activity (somewhere safe obviously) or might even want to do both.


Car Tally

Skills: Records, using marks that they can interpret and explain Game Instructions


1. Adult takes children out to a place where they can spot cars go by (even looking out the window).

2. Children use their paper and pencils to record how many of certain different coloured cars they see go by.

3. Then use these recordings to explain to others their findings and answer questions…. e.g. Which was the most popular colour of car that they found? Which colour did they see least of etc…?

4. Adult to think of specific questions to extend their thinking and reasoning and support them when they make records or marks in the future.


You Will Need: You will require pens and paper or


Dance Show

Skills: Counts out up to six objects from a larger group

Game Instructions

1. Allow your child to make up a short dance routine to a favourite song of their choice.

2. Allow them to count and choose 6 pieces of dance equipment they would like to use in their dance e.g. ribbons, scarves, items of clothing etc…

3. Give them some time to practice their dance until they are happy to perform it.

4. Get the children to count out 6 tickets from a pile and go and give the tickets to 6 people who can watch their show.


You Will Need You will require dance equipment such as: scarves; ribbons; items and clothing.


Have fun and don't forget to send some photos or videos to us.

Sept 2020 - July 2021


Oct 2020



What a lovely few weeks we have had at school. The children have settled in so well together and are really making progress as a class. I am very proud of them all however small the achievement is. Simply coming class independently with no tears is a big step to being able to follow class rules.


The baseline assessment has been completed so we have now started with the teaching. Well done to all the children who have been returning their Read Write Inc handwriting sheets. Each sheet is worth a sticker so surely this is an incentive to do a bit of writing at home? 


After half term we are sending out Google classroom logins for each child and on there will be a would you rather question which I would like everybody to reply to.  Bit of fun for your child to talk to you about at home. I have also attached an autumn craft sheet which you might like to complete. It is also attached below.


Anyway I hope you have a lovely half term and I look forward to seeing the children on Mon 2nd November.


Mrs Cocksedge



Sept 2020


Welcome to the new school term which starts soon. Where has the time gone?


I am looking forward to welcoming all the new children who are starting their Reception year at Tattingstone and also the children that were with me last year. 


For 2019 /2020 Ducklings and their Parents - Now Puffins Yr1 :-((


If possible can I ask you to send your child in with maybe a few things from the following list on Thursday:-


* A few (max 3) pieces of work they completed during lockdown and would like to share with the class.




* Photos / Drawings of something your child might have been up to over lockdown / holidays.




* Talk about something they have achieved over the time i.e. learn to ride their bike etc.


It would be great for all the children to share something so I hope this is ok with you. I am looking forward to spending Thursday/ Friday with the children.


Mrs Cocksedge

Summer Holidays 2020

Well what a different end to Summer term 2020. Not something that we could ever have imagined.  I have really missed the Ducklings and am looking forward to seeing the children I haven't seen in school in September. 


Over the holidays I want to make sure that the children have a good rest and have fun! It has been very strange for them being a home and hopefully completing a selection of the home learning work that was set. As parents it hasn't been easy as you have taken on the role of a teacher and all I can say is a big thank you for everything you have done. It hasn't been easy as I know being a teacher and parent. If things haven't gone to plan then again don't worry as juggling life's stresses isn't easy.


I have created a Ducklings bucket list for working on over the Summer (PDF version below image). I wonder who will be able to tick off all 20 items and take a photo to share with me when I see you next. These could even form part of your Summer book. I look forward to seeing and hearing what you get up to.


If I haven't managed to catch up with you then I do hope that you have a lovely Summer holiday and I look forward to seeing you in September.


Mrs Cocksedge



Here are also a few fun activities to keep the Ducklings busy.

New Ducklings Parents Meeting 10.07.20 for children joining Sept 2020


Thank you to the parents who were able to join us for the zoom meeting. Apologies for a few technical issues. Below is the powerpoint shown and a clip of what life is like in Ducklings class.


Please email with any questions to

Week beginning 13th July 2020


Dear Ducklings and their parents,

Hope you are all well and have had a lovely weekend. I can't believe this will be the last full week of the Summer term. Not at all how I had ever dreamed this year would have ended up. It has been so nice spending time with the children in school despite missing half the class. Let's hope that all goes to plan for Sept 2020 and we all get to be together again. 

If I don't get to speak to you before the summer holidays then I do hope that you have a lovely summer and keep safe and well.  Ducklings please make sure you are good for your family!

Mrs Cocksedge


This week our focus is on a new story called 'Owl Babies' by Martin Waddell.  Please see below attachment for the daily English activities.

Read Write Inc and Reading


Don't forget to log on the Ruth Miskin website for the daily RWI sessions.  More details can be found under work set for week beginning 27th April.  Hope the sessions are enjoyable and that you are either going back over your sounds or learning something new. Remember stay on Set 1 if you still need to learn some more sounds or are struggling blending sounds together to form CVC words such as cat, dog, hat, sun etc.


A schedule for what sounds are being taught and when is attached below.


Ruth Miskin also recommends the Oxford Owl website as this have 72 ebooks matched to RWI plus many other lovely books to read. I can't believe how many there are. Children learning Set 1 sounds are normally on red ditty books for RWI and then green for Set 2.  For Set 3 purple and pink books. I would suggest reading what your child would like as there is plenty to choose from. 


More information can be found under the section week beginning 4th May.



White Rose is focusing on the book "How many legs" this week there are some lovely activities to complete. The work is under the 13th July 2020.


All of the activities can be undertaken without the book however if you would like to read it can be located on Youtube along with the other suggested books.



At the end of term we will be having a leavers service. All children need to learn the song 'The Goodbye Song' by Justin Fletcher. This can be viewed on:-


Any dream will do is the song Puffins will be singing however Ducklings will be in the classroom so can sing along.


Have a look at the lovely songs on the ' Out of the ark' website. Why not learn a new one each week?

Worship at Home – our school together-apart!
As a Church school we have been given some guidance and ideas from the diocese about collective worship activities for you to use at home as a family – the focus for this week is 'Courage’ which explores ideas around being courageous, looking at those who show great courage and links to the story of David and Goliath in the bible - please look at:

RSPB Art Competition


Create a piece of art inspired by nature – let your imagination run WILD! There are 2 categories to choose from this year – REAL LIFE – entries using the more traditional approach of paints, pastels, acrylics, pens or pencil. And our new GO WILD category – for those of you who want to ‘go wild’ in every sense of the word. To enter this category, experiment with textiles, sculpture, recycled and eco-friendly materials, collages – anything goes!

To Enter

Please email a photo of your artwork to with the heading WildArt 2020 Competition, and don’t forget to tell us your age and category selection! If your submission makes the shortlist, we’ll be in touch with further details after the competition closes. WildArt is split into three age groups: under 8s, 8-12, and 13 years and over.

Summertime book review


Do you love to read?  Do you have a favourite book?  Tell us all about it, or read a new book and rate it! You can use one of these templates for your book review, one from school, or you can create your own.


If there isn’t a book that you would like to review, you can choose an e-book (Oxford Owl have some great free ones) or alternatively write your own short story (maximum 600 words).

Some things to include in your review:

Paint a quick picture – explain what the book is about, but no spoilers please!


Opinion – why do you like it? Why didn’t you like it?


Who else would like this book?


Would you recommend it to others, or not?


What could you win?

Two winners will get the chance, along with their class, to take part in a virtual video chat with M. G. Leonard.

These two winners will also win £175-worth of books each for their school libraries, and £30-worth of books each for themselves. 


Four runners up will win 5 books each.


The winners’ book reviews will be featured on the Schoolreaders website.




This is a competition for pupils of primary school age.


The child's name and age and an adult's contact details must be included with each entry. Please also include the name and town of the entrant’s primary school so we can contact them.


Send entries by e-mail to or post them to: Schoolreaders, Bedford Heights, Brickhill Drive, Bedford, MK41 7PH.


When by?

All entries need to be submitted by 5pm on Wednesday 30th September.




Week beginning 6th July 2020

Dear Ducklings and their parents,

Hope you are well and having a good weekend. We had a good week in school last week. It was just a shame the rain and strong wind stopped us having a campfire along with less outdoor time.

Fingers crossed the weather improves. It was lovely to see some more little faces returning to school last week. It is great to have you back.  As we have a large number of Ducklings in school I will not be doing any group zoom meetings.  If however your child is at home and you would like them to have a 1:1 zoom then please just email me. I am more than happy to do this.

Anyway enjoy the rest of your weekend and take care. 

Mrs Cocksedge


This week our focus is on a new story called 'The Tale of Peter Rabbit' by Beatrix Potter.  Please see below attachment for the daily English activities.

School Reports 


At the end of each year we write an indepth report about your child and get the children to complete the below attachment. 

If your child is not in school can you get them to complete it with you and email it back to me or drop in to school.


I look forward to receiving some back.

Many thanks,


Mrs Cocksedge


Read Write Inc and Reading


Don't forget to log on the Ruth Miskin website for the daily RWI sessions.  More details can be found under work set for week beginning 27th April.  Hope the sessions are enjoyable and that you are either going back over your sounds or learning something new. Remember stay on Set 1 if you still need to learn some more sounds or are struggling blending sounds together to form CVC words such as cat, dog, hat, sun etc.


A schedule for what sounds are being taught and when is attached below.


Ruth Miskin also recommends the Oxford Owl website as this have 72 ebooks matched to RWI plus many other lovely books to read. I can't believe how many there are. Children learning Set 1 sounds are normally on red ditty books for RWI and then green for Set 2.  For Set 3 purple and pink books. I would suggest reading what your child would like as there is plenty to choose from. 


More information can be found under the section week beginning 4th May.



White Rose is focusing on the book "The Dinosaur that pooped a planet" this week there are some lovely activities to complete. The work is under the 6th July 2020.


All of the activities can be undertaken without the book however if you would like to read it can be located on Youtube along with the other suggested books.



At the end of term we will be having a leavers service. All children need to learn the song 'Any dream will do' if at all possible. Several different clips on Youtube.


Have a look at the lovely songs on the ' Out of the ark' website. Why not learn a new one each week?

Worship at Home – our school together-apart!

As a Church school we have been given some guidance and ideas from the diocese about collective worship activities for you to use at home as a family – the focus for this week is 'Candles’ which is a message about what significance lighting a candle at home or school means and how this relates to Jesus - please look at:

Physical development - How to tie a shoe lace
Week beginning 29th June 2020

Dear Ducklings and their parents,

Hope you are all well and have had a good week. It was certainly a hot one at school but lovely being with the children and producing some lovely work. If you go into school next week, I will look forward to spending the day with you when we have our outdoor learning / forest school day. I do hope that the weather is kind to us.

Anyway hope you have a lovely weekend.

Take care and be good.

Mrs Cocksedge


This week our focus is on a new story called 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle.  Please see below attachment for the daily English activities.

Read Write Inc and Reading


Don't forget to log on the Ruth Miskin website for the daily RWI sessions.  More details can be found under work set for week beginning 27th April.  Hope the sessions are enjoyable and that you are either going back over your sounds or learning something new. Remember stay on Set 1 if you still need to learn some more sounds or are struggling blending sounds together to form CVC words such as cat, dog, hat, sun etc.


A schedule for what sounds are being taught and when is attached below.


Ruth Miskin also recommends the Oxford Owl website as this have 72 ebooks matched to RWI plus many other lovely books to read. I can't believe how many there are. Children learning Set 1 sounds are normally on red ditty books for RWI and then green for Set 2.  For Set 3 purple and pink books. I would suggest reading what your child would like as there is plenty to choose from. 


More information can be found under the section week beginning 4th May.



White Rose is focusing on the book "Oliver's Vegetables" this week there are some lovely activities to complete. The work is under the 29th June 2020.


All of the activities can be undertaken without the book however if you would like to read it can be located on Youtube along with the other suggested books.


The activities this week which include:-


* Patterns

* Sorting healthy and unhealthy food

* Memory game

* Counting objects

* More than and less than

* Labeling number of objects

* Fruit song / story

* Smoothie making

Art & Design

Lots of activities this week around the book 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. See above for additional activities.




Have a look at the lovely songs on the ' Out of the ark' website. Why not learn a new one each week?

Worship at Home – our school together-apart!
As a Church school we have been given some guidance and ideas from the diocese about collective worship activities for you to use at home as a family – the focus for this week is 'Breakfast’ which is a message about children and families missing the familiar routines of school – the activities look at ways we can create a sense of normality at home - please look at:
P.E Activities

Week beginning 22nd June 2020



Dear Ducklings and their parents,

Hope you are all well and have had a good week. It has been lovely seeing a few more smiley faces in school.  School feels very different but it is lovely working with the children and having our lunchtime chats. I hope those at home are getting on well and doing what they can. It isn't easy but remember parents you can only do what you can and that's all I ask. Our wellbeing is just as important.

Anyway onto another week and apparently it is going to be a hot one. Don't forget the suncream and sunhats if you are in school.

Have a good rest of the weekend.

Mrs Cocksedge


This week our focus is on a new story called 'Elmer' by David McKee.  Please see below attachment for the daily English activities.

Read Write Inc and Reading


Don't forget to log on the Ruth Miskin website for the daily RWI sessions.  More details can be found under work set for week beginning 27th April.  Hope the sessions are enjoyable and that you are either going back over your sounds or learning something new. Remember stay on Set 1 if you still need to learn some more sounds or are struggling blending sounds together to form CVC words such as cat, dog, hat, sun etc.


A schedule for what sounds are being taught and when is attached below.


Ruth Miskin also recommends the Oxford Owl website as this have 72 ebooks matched to RWI plus many other lovely books to read. I can't believe how many there are. Children learning Set 1 sounds are normally on red ditty books for RWI and then green for Set 2.  For Set 3 purple and pink books. I would suggest reading what your child would like as there is plenty to choose from. 


More information can be found under the section week beginning 4th May.



White Rose is focusing on the book "Zog" this week there are some lovely activities to complete. The work is under the 22nd June 2020.


All of the activities can be undertaken without the book however if you would like to read it can be located on Youtube along with the other suggested books.


The activities this week which include:-


*Rainbow patterns

* More than and less than

* Addition and subtraction

* Dragon making / dancing and rule writing

* Gingerbread NHS 


Art & Design

Lots of activities this week around the book 'Elmer’. See above.




Have a look at the lovely songs on the ' Out of the ark' website. Why not learn a new one each week?

Worship at Home – our school together-apart!


As a Church school we have been given some guidance and ideas from the diocese about collective worship activities for you to use at home as a family – the focus for this week is 'We’re all in the same boat’ an important message about acknowledging that we are all finding difficulties in dealing with the current situation –the activities look at ways we can feel ‘together’ at:





Week beginning 15th June 2020





Hope you are all well and are having a lovely weekend. It was lovely seeing some of you on our zoom call last week and of course in school. I am looking forward to seeing more of you soon hopefully. 

Enjoy the weather and be good!

Mrs Cocksedge 


This week our focus is on a new story called 'Whatever Next! by Jill Murphy.  Please see below attachment for the daily English activities.

Read Write Inc and Reading


Don't forget to log on the Ruth Miskin website for the daily RWI sessions.  More details can be found under work set for week beginning 27th April.  Hope the sessions are enjoyable and that you are either going back over your sounds or learning something new. Remember stay on Set 1 if you still need to learn some more sounds or are struggling blending sounds together to form CVC words such as cat, dog, hat, sun etc.


A schedule for what sounds are being taught and when is attached below.


Ruth Miskin also recommends the Oxford Owl website as this have 72 ebooks matched to RWI plus many other lovely books to read. I can't believe how many there are. Children learning Set 1 sounds are normally on red ditty books for RWI and then green for Set 2.  For Set 3 purple and pink books. I would suggest reading what your child would like as there is plenty to choose from. 


More information can be found under the section week beginning 4th May.



White Rose is focusing on the book "Princess Mirror-Belle" this week there are some lovely activities to complete. The work is under the 15th June 2020.


All of the activities can be undertaken without the book however if you would like to read it can be located on Youtube along with the other suggested books.


The activities this week which include:-


*Counting spots

*Adding groups of spots together using a tens frame

*Writing a list using mathematical language

*Toilet roll number track


Art & Design

Lots of activities this week around the book 'Whatever Next’. See below.




Have a look at the lovely songs on the ' Out of the ark' website. Why not learn a new one each week?

Worship at Home – our school together-apart!


As a Church school we have been given some guidance and ideas from the diocese about collective worship activities for you to use at home as a family – the focus for this week is 'Until We Meet Again’ an important message about acknowledging this moment of parting as a protective measure -please look at the 'Until We Meet Again' activity and powerpoint slides at:

Week beginning 8th June 2020




Hello Ducklings and their families,

Hope you are all well and having a good week. Been a bit miserable weather after being used to all that lovely sunny weather however we do need rain. Hope you have managed to get outside for a bit. Below is next weeks work which I hope the children enjoy.

Have a good week and look forward to seeing some of you in school.

Mrs Cocksedge


This week our focus is on a new story called 'Sharing a shell' by Julia Donaldson. I love the activities planned and I hope the children will to. Please see below attachment for the daily English activities. 

Read Write Inc and Reading


Don't forget to log on the Ruth Miskin website for the daily RWI sessions.  More details can be found under work set for week beginning 27th April.  Hope the sessions are enjoyable and that you are either going back over your sounds or learning something new. Remember stay on Set 1 if you still need to learn some more sounds or are struggling blending sounds together to form CVC words such as cat, dog, hat, sun etc.

Ruth Miskin also recommends the Oxford Owl website as this have 72 ebooks matched to RWI plus many other lovely books to read. I can't believe how many there are. Children learning Set 1 sounds are normally on red ditty books for RWI and then green for Set 2.  For Set 3 purple and pink books. I would suggest reading what your child would like as there is plenty to choose from. 


More information can be found under the section week beginning 4th May.



White Rose is focusing on the book "The Princess and the Wizard" this week there are some lovely activities to complete. The work is under the 8th June 2020.


All of the activities can be undertaken without the book however if you would like to read it can be located on Youtube along with the other suggested books.


The activities this week which include:-


*Days of the week 

* Wizard counting book and create your own challenge book.

* What's the spell Mr Wizard and Hide and Wizard.

* Doubling and halving.

* Repeating patterns




Sharing a shell song on


Have a look at the lovely songs on the ' Out of the ark' website. Why not learn a new one each week?


Art & Design

Lots of activities this week around the book 'Sharing a Shell’. See those sections above and photos below. I love the creatures below! 

Worship at Home – our school together-apart!


As a Church school we have been given some guidance and ideas from the diocese about collective worship activities for you to use at home as a family – the focus for this week is 'Look Up’ an important message about looking outwards and supporting mental health -please look at the 'Look Up' activity and powerpoint slides at:

Week beginning 1st June 2020



Hello to Ducklings and their families,

Welcome back! I hope you are well and have had a good half term. The time has flown by and luckily the weather has been kind to us. This week is going to be a bit different as a few Ducklings are returning to school and many are continuing with home learning. I hope you have a good week wherever you may be. There are certainly lots of lovely activities around our book 'The Gruffalo' which will be covered both at school and for those who are learning at home.

Have a lovely week and look forward to catching up soon.

Mrs Cocksedge



This week our focus is on a new story called 'The Gruffalo' by Julia Donaldson. I love the activities planned and I hope the children will to. Please see below attachment for the daily English activities. 

Read Write Inc and Reading


Don't forget to log on the Ruth Miskin website for the daily RWI sessions.  More details can be found under work set for week beginning 27th April.  Hope the sessions are enjoyable and that you are either going back over your sounds or learning something new. Remember stay on Set 1 if you still need to learn some more sounds or are struggling blending sounds together to form CVC words such as cat, dog, hat, sun etc.

Ruth Miskin also recommends the Oxford Owl website as this have 72 ebooks matched to RWI plus many other lovely books to read. I can't believe how many there are. Children learning Set 1 sounds are normally on red ditty books for RWI and then green for Set 2.  For Set 3 purple and pink books. I would suggest reading what your child would like as there is plenty to choose from. 


More information can be found under the section week beginning 4th May.



White Rose is focusing on the book "The Snail and the Whale" this week there are some lovely activities to complete. The work is under the 1st June 2020.


All of the activities can be undertaken without the book however if you would like to read it can be located on Youtube along with the other suggested books.


There are some great activities this week which include:-


* Making spiral repeating patterns

* Eating subtraction snails

* Adding snails, whales and rocks ...

* Odd and even numbers

* Height and length



Have a look at the lovely songs on the ' Out of the ark' website. Why not learn a new one each week?


Art & Design

Lots of activities this week around the book 'The Gruffalo' and ‘The Snail and Whale’. See those sections above.

Worship at Home – our school together-apart!
As a Church school we have been given some guidance and ideas from the diocese about collective worship activities for you to use at home as a family – the focus for this week is 'Give Your Worries To God’ -please look at the 'Give Your Worries To God' activity and powerpoint slides at

Witch V has been having fun again at home. Let's hope she is being a good witch for her family.

WM has had a busy week with Numicon, number work, learning about time and working hard with the ditty books. Well done.

JH has been busy being a model for his brothers Science work, fun freezing lego, learning about trees and labelling the leaves plus lots lots more...

JB has been busy with RWI sessions with Ruth Miskin, lots of Snail on the whale activities and a walk at Rendlesham Forest.

Week beginning 25th May 2020




Hello to all Ducklings and their families,

Hope you are well and have had a good week. All good at the Cocksedge household. As it is half term I would like the children to have a rest from all the formal work set. I have attached below some fun activities which you might like to have a look at. Maybe pick a selection and enjoy relaxing with your family and doing the things you like to do. I look forward to catching up over a zoom meeting after half term to hear about what you have been up to. 

Take care, stay safe and be good!

Mrs Cocksedge


Worship at Home – our school together-apart!
As a Church school we have been given some guidance and ideas from the diocese about collective worship activities for you to use at home as a family – the focus for this week is ‘Be A Good Neighbour’ -please look at the 'Be A Good Neighbour' activity and powerpoint slides at
Week beginning 18th May 2020

Hello! Hope you are well and have had a good week. Time is flying by and before we know it will be June. It has been unusual week with the notice that reception children will be possibly going back to school on Monday 1st June. It has taken a while for me to get my head around this and I ask that you make sure you read the letter sent out from Mrs Derrett on Fri 15th May. Please make sure you reply as this will help us to look at how we can open safely should this take place.  As Mrs Derrett said “I am adamant that the children should only return to school if we feel it is safe for them to do so”. Please reply to by no later than 9am on Thursday 21st May.  We look forward to receiving your responses.


It has been really lovely to hear from so many of you about the fun the children have had with the book the 'Zog'. I hope the children have fun with the work set for next week. It is based on the book 'The Snail and the Whale' by Julia Donaldson. Again I enjoyed finding a range of different activities to keep Ducklings busy.


Remember parents just do what you can and keep sending me your photos. You can email me any time on

Have a good week and speak soon.

Mrs Cocksedge



This week our focus is on a new story called 'The Snail and the Whale' by Julia Donaldson. I love the activities planned and I hope the children will to. Please see below attachment for the daily English activities. 

Read Write Inc and Reading


Don't forget to log on the Ruth Miskin website for the daily RWI sessions.  More details can be found under work set for week beginning 27th April.  Hope the sessions are enjoyable and that you are either going back over your sounds or learning something new. Remember stay on Set 1 if you still need to learn some more sounds or are struggling blending sounds together to form CVC words such as cat, dog, hat, sun etc.

Ruth Miskin also recommends the Oxford Owl website as this have 72 ebooks matched to RWI plus many other lovely books to read. I can't believe how many there are. Children learning Set 1 sounds are normally on red ditty books for RWI and then green for Set 2.  For Set 3 purple and pink books. I would suggest reading what your child would like as there is plenty to choose from. 


More information can be found under the section week beginning 4th May.



White Rose is focusing on the book "Superworm" this week there are some lovely activities to complete. The work is under the 18th May.


All of the activities can be undertaken without the book however if you would like to read it can be located on Youtube along with the other suggested books.


There are some great activities this week which include:-


*Symmetry painting with worms

*Repeating patterns

*Measuring length (why not use a ruler!)

*Making your own worm number lines – can you count forwards and backwards to 20.

*Make up your own worm rain dance

*Go Shopping – make up labels for tins in your cupboard and even price them up using pounds and pence.

*Worm race and yucky worms song



Have a look at the lovely songs on the ' Out of the ark' website. Why not learn a new one each week?


Art & Design

Lots of activities this week around the book 'The Snail and the Whale' and ‘Superworm’. See those sections above.


Worship at Home – our school together-apart!
As a Church school we have been given some guidance and ideas from the diocese about collective worship activities for you to use at home as a family – the focus for this week is ‘Thank You’ – this is a simple opportunity to thank God for the people who care for others such as doctors, nurses, health care workers and our own family and friends -please look at the 'Thank You Wall' prayer station activity at



A few nice different activities to keep you active this week.


This Girl Can (Disney Dance along)

Disney Dance Alongs - This Girl Can & Disney have teamed up to create dance routines that all the family can do to get active together


Change 4 Life - 10 min Shake Up / Sporting Activities

Kids need to be active for 60 minutes a day. From our fun 10 Minute Shake Up games to information about active hobbies and sports, there is everything  here that you need to get your family moving.

Writing opportunity to residents at a local care home


On Saturday morning live there was a feature on something the literacy trust are putting out called 'My Dear New Friend' The project encourages children to write letters to people living in care homes.


The aim is

'You can post the letter to your local care home using our easy cover letter template. Your child's letter will brighten someone's day, and might even get a reply! It's a great opportunity for them to make new friends despite social distancing, whilst practising their writing skills'

UPDATE - Scroll down to see what Ducklings have been up to over the weeks! They have certainly been busy! 

W loved the Zog activities this week. He made a castle with Dad, coloured Zog in, worked on some writing and castle maths! He also enjoyed a walk at Rendlesham forest, went to the beach at Manningtree and we made some castles there. Sounds like you have had a lovely week. Keep up the hard work!

Joseph has been on a 9km walk this week with his Mum and brother Elliot. They did some of the RSBP Wild challenge on route and found the most amazing bush full of caterpillars. Elliot was teaching Joseph about the trees and lots of other things!  The nature count was high! Bluebell woods, 2 kestrels,rabbits, a hare, 2 grebes, ducks, swans, a stone chat - that we saw as well as heard, countless other birds!  Well done all!

L has been busy with her 'Room on the Broom' and 'Zog' activities. Your dragon is amazing! Keep up the hard work.Well done!

J has been busy this week and had fun having a crazy hair day. J has enjoyed the zog work and made his own dragon. He has read some of the oxford owl books, done some writing and been on doodlemaths each day. Well done! Keep up the hard work.

E has been busy working on the 'Zog' activities. Keep up the hard work! Well done.

E has been busy looking after his 11 tadpoles this week and about their life cycle. He has been using his knife skills to cut up their food of cucumber and egg yolk. E has also had fun with cornflour gloop and added different food colouring to see what happened when it mixed. Well done Ethan with all your enthusiasm for your tadpoles.

Week beginning 11th May 2020




Hello! Hope you are well and have had a good week and bank holiday weekend. The weather was lovely over the last couple of days. We spent a lot of time in the garden and enjoyed watching our new blue tits flying to and from their bird box in our garden (see above photo). They are so lovely to watch. VE day was also a lovely day and we spent time with our neighbours relaxing in the sunshine (social distancing of course). 


It has been really lovely to hear from so many of you about the fun the children have had with the book the 'Room on the Broom'. I must admit I loved setting the activities and makes a change from Jasper's beanstalk, however it was something that we did need to cover. Hopefully the children have been able to get outside and do some planting and make observations of the changes. I have enjoyed being able to do that however wish things would grow quicker!


I hope the children have fun with the work set for next week. It is based on the book 'Zog' by Julia Donaldson. Again I enjoyed finding a range of different activities to keep Ducklings busy.


Remember parents just do what you can and keep sending me your photos. You can email me any time on

Have a good week and speak soon.

Mrs Cocksedge


This week our focus is on a new story called 'Zog' by Julia Donaldson. I love the activities planned and I hope the children will to. Please see below attachment for the daily English activities. 



Don't forget to log on the Ruth Miskin website for the daily RWI sessions.  More details can be found under work set for week beginning 27th April.  Hope the sessions are enjoyable and that you are either going back over your sounds or learning something new. Remember stay on Set 1 if you still need to learn some more sounds or are struggling blending sounds together to form CVC words such as cat, dog, hat, sun etc.

Ruth Miskin also recommends the Oxford Owl website as this have 72 ebooks matched to RWI plus many other lovely books to read. I can't believe how many there are. Children learning Set 1 sounds are normally on red ditty books for RWI and then green for Set 2.  For Set 3 purple and pink books. I would suggest reading what your child would like as there is plenty to choose from. 


More information can be found under the section week beginning 4th May.



White Rose is focusing on the book "The Very Busy Spider" this week there are some lovely activities to complete. The work is under the 11th May.


All of the activities can be undertaken without the book however if you would like to read it can be located on Youtube along with the other suggested books.


There are some great activities this week which include:-

* Making a spider web on a wooden frame (like we would at Forest School)

* Make a sticky web on your door frames

* Number word problems really will get your thinking! (great preparation work for Yr1)

* P.E with Joe Wicks. Have you had a go at his spiderman lunges. I have and they make you work hard.

* Spider drive - great game to play with the family. Who can draw their spider first.

* Finger paint spiders with doubling and sharing.


Lots of fun things to keep you busy!


Have a look at the lovely songs on the ' Out of the ark' website. Why not learn a new one each week?


Art & Design

Lots of activities this week around the book 'Zog' and 'The very busy spider'. See those sections above.


Worship at Home – our school together-apart!

As a Church school we have been given some guidance and ideas from the diocese about collective worship activities for you to use at home as a family – the focus for this week is ‘Please’ – the purpose is to pray for individuals who need God's care and love at the moment -please look at the 'Please Reflective' prayer station activity at

P.E This week why not try a new sport - skipping, walking, cycling, running. You could even play the Peppa Pig game or use the Activity Beans warm up cards which we use in P.E at school.

Writing opportunity to residents at a local care home


On Saturday morning live there was a feature on something the literacy trust are putting out called 'My Dear New Friend' The project encourages children to write letters to people living in care homes.


The aim is

'You can post the letter to your local care home using our easy cover letter template. Your child's letter will brighten someone's day, and might even get a reply! It's a great opportunity for them to make new friends despite social distancing, whilst practising their writing skills'

What Ducklings have been up to this week...

Look at what W been up to this week. Some lovely 'Room on the Broom' work along with preparation for VE Day. You look like you have been working hard but also having fun. Well done!

ED has had a busy week with 'Room on the Broom' & 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' activities. He had fun with VE day and designed and wrote invitations. E has also been baking, been on some lovely walks and been enjoying the sunny weather. Well done - you look like you have had a lot of fun!

JB has been busy with lots of 'Room on the Broom' activities this week. He has used lots of sticks to make a broom and made a potion that would give him Sticky Web Power (just like spiderman). J has also continued working on doodlemaths and with his reading. Well done!

Week beginning 4th May 2020






Hello! Hope you are all keeping well and have had a good week / weekend. Time is certainly flying at the moment. I have been busy painting while the sun has decided to go in along with home schooling. Busy busy times!  Anyway here is the work for next week which I hope the children will enjoy. Remember parents just do what you can and keep sending me your photos. You can email me any time on

Have a good week and speak soon.

Mrs Cocksedge



This week our focus is on a new story called 'Room on the Broom' by Julia Donaldson. I love the activities planned and I hope the children will to. Please see below attachment for the daily English activities. 

Below are some additional activities linked to the book should you wish doing some cross curricular activities. Not essential though.



Ruth Miskin launched the Read Write Inc programme and she is continuing to  offer lessons on Youtube so children can consolidate their learning and move their learning on. Her website is below and she has put in place the following:-


If you are unsure what sounds your child needs to be learning them please look at the RWI for the week beginning 27th April. A few parents have mentioned how good these sessions are as they are early in the morning and of good duration. Please have a look if you haven't already.

Ruth Miskin also recommends the Oxford Owl website as this have 72 ebooks matched to RWI plus many other lovely books to read. I can't believe how many there are. Children learning Set 1 sounds are normally on red ditty books for RWI and then green for Set 2.  For Set 3 purple and pink books. I would suggest reading what your child would like as there is plenty to choose from. 


At the top you will see 'My class login' and Ducklings have an area with the following details:-

Username: tattducklings with Password:YearR

You can also go onto for additional fun activities.




White Rose is focusing on the book "The Hungry Caterpillar" this week there are some lovely activities to complete. The work is under the 4th May.


All of the activities can be undertaken without the book however if you would like to read it can be located on Youtube along with the other suggested books.


Have fun with the activities.


You could even make your own caterpillar if you fancy going outside.



Some maths games can also be found on:-

Art & Design


This week have a go at the activities listed for 'Room on the Broom'.

Why not make a broomstick or paint a monster.? Make a monster using junk modelling and then paint it?


This week why don't you try the following for keeping active.

P.E Photo competition

Westbourne Academy are running a photo competition via our school and would like to encourage children to exercise when possible. They would like me to send them any photos of your child actually exercising or your child could draw a picture. They will pick their favourite entry of the week (on Fridays). The winner each week will receive a School Games goody bag (once we're back at school).  If you would like to take part please let me know on the email that you are ok for the necessary (i.e. photo /drawing) to be forwarded to Westbourne Academy. They would like to post these on Twitter and maybe their website but will not if you state so. I look forward to receiving your entries!



Have a look at the lovely songs on the ' Out of the ark' website. Why not learn a new one each week?


Worship at Home – our school together-apart!
As a Church school we have been given some guidance and ideas from the diocese about collective worship activities for you to use at home as a family – the focus for this week is ‘Others First ’ – the purpose is to consider how difficult it can be to put others first -please look at the 'Others First' prayer station activity at


FA has been doing hand writing practice and maths this week along with some activities themed on the hungry caterpillar. He made a caterpillar shaped bread and then painted a butterfly. You have worked hard. Well done!

JH has been busy with 'Room on the Broom' activities. J has been flying over Africa on his broom. Oh what fun! I think you need to give us all flying lessons J.

ED has been busy creating a race car with side car for his sister. She looks like she is loving it. Water Bingo has also been a hit with words appearing and disappearing. Well done!

VM has also been busy this week. V has been involved with lots of 'Room on the Broom' activities. Well done!

EL has been busy making her witches broom. Well done

MS has been very busy designing and then making his broom this week.M also created some amazing elephants using milk bottles. Great work!


New photos added throughout our class page. Scroll down to see that has been happening over the recent weeks. Look on the Curriculum tab on the main page and then select Forest School for more photos.

Week beginning Monday 27th April 2020




Hope you are all keeping well and safe and enjoying the sunny weather. It is certainly nice to enjoy when we do have it.  Can't believe we are in to our 5th week of lockdown. It has gone fairly fast and hopefully will to continue to do so. It will be great to get back to some sort of normality when it is safe to do so.  In the meantime here are the selection of activities for next week. Like I always say do what you can parents with your child.


Ducklings - Have a lovely week and be good!


Mrs Cocksedge


English work

This week we will be continuing with the story Jasper's Beanstalk.


I would like the children to start to fill in their bean diary. I was thinking that If you haven't got any beans then please feel free to change the front cover to make it your own i.e. My strawberry plant diary etc.  Children can do this at their own ability i.e. I put a bean seed in the soil or simply drawing a picture and labelling bean, soil, cup etc.  Children could take photos of what happens as it grows. 


In class we talked about the different parts of a plant and I would like your child to label the picture independently. Some children might need support in breaking the word down in order to help them hear the sounds. Also attached are some pictures which I thought your child could colour. You could then cut them up along the lines and see if your child could put them back together. You could time each other.

Read Write Inc


Now that we are back from Easter it would be great if the children could do focused Read Write Inc work. The class were divided into groups for Spring term and worked with different adults for their sessions. Your child will know which adult they worked with and if not email me. 


Children that worked with either Mrs Norman or Miss Sowter need to continue to learn Set 1 sounds. When your child knows all sounds and is able to blend words confidently and independently they can start on Set 2.


Children that worked with Mrs Cocksedge need to continue learning Set 2 sounds.


Children that worked with Mrs Roberts need to continue to learn Set 3 sounds.


I have attached below a sheet which you can go through with their child and see where they are at currently. It is always good to go through each couple of weeks as believe me the number of sounds your child knows constantly goes up and down. smiley

Ruth Miskin launches RWI at home

Ruth Miskin launched the Read Write Inc programme and she is offering lessons on Youtube so children can consolidate their learning and move their learning on. Her website is below and she has put in place the following:-


Support during School Closure for Parents and Carers

RWI Phonics lessons at home


To help children learning to read at home during school closure, we are streaming 7 phonics, reading and spelling lessons every weekday on our YouTube channel.

Each lesson is ten to fifteen minutes long and available for 24 hours.


Speed Sounds Set 1 - for children in Nursery and Reception and children who are new to English

  • Set 1 Speed Sounds 9.30 am (BST)
  • Set 1 Word Time 9.45 am
  • Set 1 Spelling 10.00 am

Speed Sounds Set 2 - for children in Reception that can read Set 1 Speed Sounds and for children in Year 1 and 2

  • Set 2 Speed Sounds and Word Time 10.00 am
  • Set 2 Spelling 10.15am

Speed Sounds Set 3 - for children in Year 1 and 2 that can read Set 2 Speed Sounds

  • Set 3 Speed Sounds and Word Time 10.30 am
  • Set 3 Spelling 10.45 am

Don't worry if you miss a lesson. Once each set has been shown, we will replay one a day from each set.


I feel these sessions would be very good for your child to participate in but only do what you can.

The schedule for what sounds are being taught and when is attached below.

Ruth Miskin also recommends the Oxford Owl website as this have 72 ebooks matched to RWI plus many other lovely books to read. I can't believe how many there are. Children learning Set 1 sounds are normally on red ditty books for RWI and then green for Set 2.  For Set 3 purple and pink books. I would suggest reading what your child would like as there is plenty to choose from. 


At the top you will see 'My class login' and Ducklings have an area with the following details:-

Username: tattducklings



You can also go onto for additional fun activities.


Please email me if you have any queries with the above on   I am new to all these lovely resources but this is information overload - sorry.


Maths work


For Maths this week we will continue to use the White Rose plans. They are very engaging and make learning fun especially when you are only 4 or 5 years old. The activities are linked with Pirates.     and Summer term (week 2)


All of the activities can be undertaken without the books however if you would like to read the books many can be located on Youtube.


Have fun with the activities.


Some maths games can also be found on:-

Worship at Home – our school together-apart!


As a Church school we have been given some guidance and ideas from the diocese about collective worship activities for you to use at home as a family – the focus for this week is ‘sharing fears and anxieties with God ’ – please look at the light in the darkness prayer station activity at


P.E with Joe Wicks 9.00 am Monday to Friday.

I have been doing this at home with my family everyday. Why not try it if you haven't already.


P.E Photo competition

Westbourne Academy are running a photo competition via our school and would like to encourage children to exercise when possible. They would like me to send them any photos of your child actually exercising or your child could draw a picture. They will pick their favourite entry of the week (on Fridays). The winner each week will receive a School Games goody bag (once we're back at school).  If you would like to take part please let me know on the email that you are ok for the necessary (i.e. photo /drawing) to be forwarded to Westbourne Academy. They would like to post these on Twitter and maybe their website but will not if you state so. I look forward to receiving your entries!



Have a look at the lovely songs on the ' Out of the ark' website. Why not learn a new one each week?



Paint a flower of your choice. Maybe try and only use primary colours again and mix together to make new ones.


Why not make some of the colours using the mixing chart below or make a colourful rainbow with Lego.

Look at what JH has been up to!

J has been doing the RWI sessions with Sara on youtube with the set one sounds. He has produced some amazing writing and even added in his own rhyming word. His family are really proud of him and certainly a WOW moment. Well done J.


J has been working on his phonics and  has been reading lots of books. The one in the photo he read virtually on his own. Keep up the hard work. 

Look what JB was up to last week - you have been so busy!


J has been learning more set 2 sounds and reading and taking part in the activities on the Oxford Owl website. He also completed the Doodlemaths Easter challenge this week with a  full 30 day streak and earned 630 stars! Amazing Jacob!


J and Dr also entered a facebook challenge in April to walk the equivalent of an Ultra Marathon (27 miles). The boys smashed this then set themselves a new target of doing 40 miles which they also smashed! J walked a total of 44.7 miles and was super proud to receive his medal! Definitely a WOW moment.


J enjoyed the pirate stories and doing the maths activities. He also made his own telescope, pirate hat and a ship.

Look at what ED was up to last week!

He made a  thank you picture of a rainbow dustbin lorry and chocolates for the bin men, made a castle and a volcano from old boxes and butterflies from sticks, toasted marshmallows, made hand puppets, painted shelves for his bedroom, delivered easter eggs to friends around the village while dressed at Peter Rabbit, learnt how to decopatch and learnt about the Great fire of London. What a busy week Ethan. Well done! Keep up your creativity.

Look at what FA has been doing. He has made his own Supertato. He looks amazing! F has been busy with Maths work this week and number recognition. Keep up the hard work.

Look what WM was up to last week!. You have been busy. Well done.

Week beginning Monday 20th April 2020




UPDATE: Look below for photos showing what Jacob and Joseph have been up to this week. 


Hi Ducklings,


Hope you are well and had a lovely Easter and remembered to save me some chocolate!

I have enjoyed the weather and being with my family but I have also missed all of you also. 

I hope you are keeping safe and being good for your family. I can't wait to see you soon hopefully!

Take care,


Mrs Cocksedge


Our learning for the next week  (do what you cansmiley)


Over the next 2 weeks our English work is going to based on the story 'Jasper's Beanstalk' by Nick Butterworth & Mick Inkpen. 



If you haven't got the story at home it can be watched on you have heard the story there are some activities which you can take part in below:-


* Print out the stick puppets and retell the story to your family.  

* Make a story plan of what happens at the start and what happens next.

* Make up some actions as you retell the story.

* Put the story cards in the correct order. What happened next? Can you change the next part of the story?




As with Jasper's Beanstalk I would also like you to plant a bean (if possible). It could be any type of bean but broad beans, runner beans or green beans are what I would suggest.


You do not need to have outdoors space to start growing you bean and these can be purchased on Amazon if you don't have any at home.  It would be great if could also start completing your bean diary below. Next week the children will be able to start writing about their bean plant or as and when it starts to grow.


Maths with.....                                 


For Maths this week we will continue to use the White Rose plans. They are very engaging and make learning fun especially when you are only 4 or 5 years old. The activities are linked to character called Supertato.  We read many of these books when we were learning about Superheroes.  The activities can be found on:-     and Summer term (week 1)


All of the activities can be undertaken without the books however if you would like to read the books that can be watched via the following links:-


Supertato  -

Evil Pea Rules -

Run Veggies Run -

Supertato Veggies Assemble -


Have fun with these activities! I hope the veggies behave better than they have in my house.smiley


Don't forget to also work on your number formation!



Have fun drawing a flower in your garden or when you go out to exercise. Then have a go at painting it.  Using only Red, Blue and Yellow paint see how many different colours you can make. How many shades of green can you make?   You could even paint ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ with all the different greens you make.


Remember take your time like when we drew our faces step by step. Why not get your grown up to draw and paint with you at the same time.



P.E with Joe Wicks 9.00 am Monday to Friday.

I have been doing this at home with my family everyday (all 15 sessions!). Why not try it if you haven't already.



Have a look at the lovely songs on the ' Out of the ark' website. Why not learn a new one each week?


Worship at Home – our school together-apart!

As a Church school we have been given some guidance and ideas from the diocese about collective worship activities for you to use at home as a family – the focus for this week is ‘gratitude’ – please look at the gratitude/reflective prayer station at


Other help/support:

For parent/carer support do have a look at: and  


Have a fun week and don't forget to send me photos of what you get up to!



Look at what J & E have been up to. Making fires, cooking yummy food and loving the outdoors. I can't wait for you to do the cooking J at Forest School soon!

Look at what J has been doing this week. He has been camping out in his garden, having a fire to keep warm plus lots of reading and maths work. Well done J!


Scroll down to see what amazing work Ducklings have been up to. Well done boys!  You are working very hard and making me very proud of you all! smiley   Anybody else like to email me some of your work to put on the website?

Over the next few weeks you need to paint pictures of Easter and Animals. These can then go with your sunshine and rainbow.

Easter Holidays (Week beginning the 6th & 13th April 2020)

Being the holidays and with weather warming up I would love the children to get outside as much as possible and come away from the normal weekly work.


Below are a few suggestions for activities they might like to take part in.


White Rose Maths have launched home learning work and I thought children could enjoy some of the activities planned for Week 1 & 2. The stories they are using are 'We're going on an egg hunt' and 'What the ladybird heard'. You don't have to have the book to take part in the different activities. Lots of activities for inside and outside play.

Please also find enclosed the home learning packs from the 'Young People's trust for the environment'. These packs are about Animals & Plants and are very informative and include some lovely activities.


For 'Plants' why not take part in the following:-

* Growing Cress

* Colour match treasure hunt

* What are the different parts of a plant

* Vegetable printing

* Games such as:-

     - Sleeping seeds

     - Leaf, caterpillar and bird game

     -Seeds, stems and bees


For 'Animals' why not take part in the following:-

* Habitat flap game

* Racing caterpillar game

* Make a bug hotel

* Collage snail

* Milk bottle elephants

* Painted rocks

* Games such as:-

     - Donkey tails

     - Alligator in the swamp

     - Sloth, kangaroo, cheetah


Don't forget you can always do some of the activities from Week 1 & 2 if you would still like to.

I would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter and remember Ducklings don't forget to save me some chocolate. Have fun and keep safe!


Mrs Cocksedge

WM has also been busy over the Easter break. Well done W!

Look at what J has been up to over the Easter break. Well done J!

Look at what JB has been up to this week. A 'wow' was counting in 5's on the maze. Well done J you have been busy!. Anybody else fancy sharing what they have been up to?

This week it is all about painting a sunshine to go with your rainbows. Have fun!

Week beginning 30th March 2020


Well last week was a funny week as I am sure you will agree with not having school and being part of a lockdown. I have certainly missed the children and it doesn't feel right that this is going to be like this for a long long time. I already want to see those little smiley faces at the gate to Ducklings!. One positive was that at least we did have the sunshine last week which made things slightly easier. I have seen posts on facebook how it isn't easy getting children to take part in home learning. Do not fear I have that battle myself at times with my two. All I can ask is do what you can. The below is not a checklist but gives you some guidance as to a selection of things we would have covered in class. Make sure you all look after yourselves and keep safe and hopefully build up some precious memories. Take care and keep in touch. Mrs Cocksedge


In Ducklings this week we would have had a week of Easter activities in the lead up to the Easter holidays.


Easter Activities

Why not try some of the following?


Bake some Easter cakes

Split pin chick in a egg

Easter colouring pages

Make an Easter card

Fingerprint flowers

Make a birds nest with twigs in the garden. You could even make your own chicks to go in it. This I am sure would be very cute - don't forget to send me a photo!


Think about why we celebrate Easter – see attached file below.


Sing a song and dance

Hippity Hop Easter Bunny song and dance

Sing the song and have fun hopping round like a bunny! Get your family joining in!

English - Letter formation

Letters to focus on this week are: f,g,h,I & j

See notes on Week beginning 23rd March for websites the children can use to support their learning.

Writing focus: Make and write and Easter card for somebody in your family. Send me a photo of your lovely writing.


English –Reading

Share the Easter story from Twinkl called ‘Saving Easter’ (see below)

Ask your child lots of questions and get them to even make up what might happen next in the story.  

Continue to read a selection of books from home.


Make a chick using 2D shapes activity sheets

Easter egg number hunt game


Join in with Joe Wicks (The Body Coach ) each morning at 9am on YouTube.




Get paintings those rainbows Ducklings x

Look what WM and JB have been up to this week.

WM has been busy helping to make a vegetable planter and has been writing on the labels. He helped to sand, paint and plant it up. W has also painted some rainbows for our windows.

JB has drawn a beautiful rainbow with Mrs Cocksedge beside it. J has also been busy with lots of maths, colouring, letter writing practice and reading.

Spring 2020


Week beginning 23rd March 2020


The below list gives a few suggestions of what you might like to focus on this week. Anything you can do to support your child is appreciated. 


English - Letter formation

Letters to focus on this week are: a, b, c, d & e.

A good app to support the children with their letter formation is Writing Wizards for Kids (£4.99). for iphones and ipads. More information about this app can be found on:-

Other fun ways for letter formation work are in the photo below.

Some good websites you might like to use:-

English -Reading

Enjoy reading books together. Ask your child lots of questions and get them to even make up what might happen next in the story. Get a family to read a story over facetime, skype etc



Paint some Easter eggs and then write numbers  1-10 on them (or use number cards). Hide them around your garden / home and get your child to find them all and then put the numbers in order. How about a treat if they find / order them correctly. You might also like to try one of the activities below:-


*Have an Easter egg and spoon race – Count the number of seconds it takes to get from one side to another.

*Easter addition activity book.

*Easter egg colour by number sheets

28 days of activities 

Why not try and complete 2 of the activities this week. Take some photos and have FUN!

Sing a song

Learn the song ‘Baa baa black sheep’.


WOW moments

Each week children have 'WOW' moments at school where staff are so proud of what a child or the children have achieved. This time I would like you to share these moments with me e.g. whether it is skipping for the first time, forming a letter they have always struggled with or using a potato peeler like at Forest School etc

I would love to receive photos / comments or both on my email which


I would also like to share these on our class page on our website so please say if you are happy for this to happen.

Take care and keep safe.


Mrs Cocksedge




Photo Gallery Autumn 2019 - Summer 2020

FA's 5th Birthday Celebration at school

Story telling 17th March 2020

Science Day - 10th March 2020

Pancake Day - We made pancakes which apparently were yummy!

Kindness Day with the School Council

Road Safety Session with our Junior Road Safety Officers

Africa Day


The fun we had on African Day before February half term.



Important information

Prime Areas


The prime areas of learning in Development Matters are Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development. 


'The prime areas begin to develop quickly in response to relationships and experiences, and run through and support learning in all other areas. The prime areas continue to be fundamental throughout the EYFS as they support development in all other areas.' (Development Matters, 2012:4)

Specific Areas 


The specific areas of learning in Development Matters are: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. 


'The specific areas include essential skills and knowledge for children to participate successfully in society. They grow out of the prime areas, and provide important contexts for learning. ' (Development Matters, 2012:4)
